General Queries

What are the services you provide?
Please check the detailed list of services are provided on ‘our services‘ page.
What are the topics on which you can assist ?
We can take up all the possible topics in the subjects mentioned. In rare cases, if we are not able to take any topic, then we will be mentioning it to you before you have made any payment to us.
How to place an order ?
Please fill the order form on our ‘Place your order‘ page. You should also upload your assignment guideline documents while filling the form. This will help us give you a realistic quote. If you have more attachments then email us at
How to contact you ?
You can contact us by
Phone: +44 (203) 286 8649
Whatsapp: +61-420583050
How does this process work?
Please refer our ‘How it works‘ page to know more about this. It has been given clearly and is well explained with pictures.
Can Whatsapp be used for Chat ?
Yes. You can chat with us anytime on WhatsApp at +61-420583050. Kindly save this number as ” ExpertAssignmentHelp Audrey”, to make it easier to recall.
What is the cancellation policy?
Mostly we start working on an assignment as soon as we get the order. However, in case of cancellations, reach out to us immediately and if we haven’t started working on your offer yet, we will refund your money.
What are the locations you work from ?
We have our offices at London (UK), Florida (USA), Queensland (Australia) and Amsterdam (Europe).
Service Queries

Who are the experts?
We hire both full time as well as contract based PhD experts. Along with that, there is a subject matter team for each subject we take up. Moreover, each expert goes through a performance test before starting to work with us.
How will I receive the solution?
Once we receive the solution prepared by the experts, it goes through a proofreading and plagiarism test. Once it passes both of them, we will email the solution to you.
What is I am not satisfied with your solution ?
We are committed to delivering quality and it would be almost rare when you feel unsatisfied with our solution, but if you still are, then we will be undergoing FREE REWORK as per your suggestions. However, your suggestion should be in sync with your initial request. If your suggestions are different from what you have requested earlier, then it would be liable for extra charges. All responses are addressed within a maximum time interval of 24 hours. In case it is urgent or the deadline is very close it is handled on a high priority basis.
What is the average time to get the quote and then the final solution ?
Once you have sent a quote request to us, we send it to our experts to check its difficulty level, expert’s availability (depending on the deadline) and number of words. This takes around 30 minutes to 1 hour. Regarding assignment solution time; we can take even the tightest of deadlines (even less than 24 hours) as we have multiple experts under same subject across the globe, which means we are working 24*7. However, it should be noted that tight deadline assignments are priced higher than normal deadlines. We would request you to send your assignment well before the deadline date to save on cost.
Can I get in touch with the expert ?
No. You can not get in touch with the expert directly. We have a strict privacy protection policy and in order to protect your and expert’s confidentiality, all the communication is done through us.
Can I request to assign an expert from a specific country ?
Yes. Since we have both full time and as well as experts on contract from across the globe, you can ask for an expert from any specific country. However, it might (or might not) affect the quote.
What is mid review policy ?
To avoid last minute changes and panic situations, we have a unique mid review policy with assignments which do not have tight deadlines. At around half the deadline time, we send you half made assignment solution for review. You can check half of your solution and let us know if the expert is going in the right direction. After receiving your suggestions/ approval, we go ahead to complete the solution. This way you are saved with any last minute reworks. This is service is 100% FREE.
What if I have rework in the assignment ?
We have a rework policy in place at EAH so that the client is able to get these points rectified for free from our experts. For full satisfaction and understanding of our customers, we have drafted a transparent, detailed process for carrying out the revisions.
1. To avoid any confusion among the orders placed with us, please mention the order reference code at the top of the body of the mail sent to us for rework.
2. To be able to review your paper based on your comments, we must have a clear picture of what needs to be reworked. Please send us a bullet point list of rework details which needs to be carried out.
3. In case the rework details are within the scope of initial assignment instructions shared at the time of placing the order, we will carry them out within 24 hours of receipt of rework request.
4. However, if the revisions are outside the scope of initial assignment instructions, an extra fee might be required and the time needed to deliver it back is likely to increase. We will send a fresh quote to you for the same in such cases.
5. Rework requests will be taken if the client requests rework within 2 days from the time of delivery (applicable to both mid reviews and final assignment draft) to you. We request you to check your inbox at the specified deadlines.
6. The decision of the EAH administrator will be final in case of any dispute.
7. Additional documents sent after the payment is made are subject to the discretion of EAH for acceptance for the same order. As the expert cannot be blamed for not incorporating the inputs not shared at the time of payment so incorporating additional documents into the assignment might lead to a fresh paid rework order.
Plagiarism Queries

How to I know that your solution is Plagiarism free ?
We understand that one of your main concern regarding your assignment solution should be plagiarism FREE. Although our experts are committed to deliver original hand type solutions, but we leave no stone unturned when it comes to quality. After the expert has delivered the solution, we get the solutions tested on Turnitin (Writecheck) for plagiarism check and proofreading. Only after undoing corrections suggested by the software, solution is sent to you.
For all the assignments more than 1000 words, we offer a FREE Turnitin report so that you enjoy that extra peace of mind.
What are the types of plagiarisms which your solution will not have ?
We have strict policy for Plagiarism. Following are questionable under academic integrity and is considered as plagiarism under our quality standards.
1.Directly copying any part of another’s work
2.Summarising the work of another
3.Using or developing an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work
4.Using experimental results obtained by another.
Where ever it becomes important to use any of the above, we make sure that it is referenced without fail (both in-text and out-text referenced).
Do you sell or resell your assignments ?
NO. Every solution is custom made and is very specific to your assignment guidelines. We keep those solutions in our repository and do not sell or resell them.
Can I submit your solution as mine in my university ?
NO. Our solutions are only guidelines to assist you with your assignment problem. You should develop an understanding by reading our solution and then develop on your own.
Pricing & Discounts

How to calculate the price?
Our pricing process depends on
-Assignment’s difficulty level
-Proximity to the deadline
-Word limit (Not applicable on maths, programming and statistics)
So, a tight deadline and difficult assignment will be priced higher than others.
I am facing problems in payment. Kindly help.
Kindly visit our payment page and you will get a step by step procedure mentioned there. If you are still facing difficulties, then contact us here.
Phone: +44 (203) 286 8649
Whatsapp: +61-420583050
Is my credit card information secured with you guys ?
Yes, 100%. To make sure all the payments made by you are secure, we have partnered with PayPal. This means we do not save any information about you.
What is your refund policy?
We have a 100% money refund policy. However, the refund is processed after a detailed scrutiny of the order. If we are not able to meet the deliverables defined at the time of payment, then we shall be refunding your money via PayPal. This decision is made by the management of and would be final.
What modes of payment do you accept ?
We accept all the popular credit cards. You can also pay us if you have a PayPal account. However we do not accept money transfer through bank transfers or western union money transfer.
Are there any discount for regular customers ?
Yes. We have loyalty discount for our regular customers under which you will be offered 10% discount on your quote amount.
Are there any other festive discounts ?
Yes. Most often we have some or the other discount offer going on. Please stay tuned on our social media (Facebook and Twitter) to get updates.

Can I be a part of your subject expert team?
Yes, we would be glad to have you work with us. We have some country specific points of contact. Based on your country, we’ll share the appropriate contact and you can approach them for further actions. For more such related queries, please reach us at
If there is any query that has not been covered above?
You can contact us anytime by
Phone: +44 (203) 286 8649
Whatsapp: +61-420583050