Try our Quote Estimator to get an approximation of our Pricing.
Price Quote Estimator
Business Proposal;17
Case Study;17
Dissertation-Literature review ;17
Essay-Personal Statement;14
Essay-Scholarship Essays;14
Power Point Presentation;17
Research Paper ;17
Term Paper ;17
Thesis;17″][bt_cc_item type=”select” name=”Select Currency” value=”USD;1.24
AUD;1″][bt_cc_item type=”select” name=”Days to Deadline” value=”1 day;2.25
2 days;2.25
3 days;1.75
4 days;1.5
5 days;1.5
6 days;1.5
7 days;1.5
8 days;1.2
9 days;1.2
10 days;1
15 days;1
20 days;1
25 days;1
30 days;1
35 days;1
40 days;1
45 days;1
50 days;1
55 days;1
60 days;1″][bt_cc_item type=”select” name=”Number of Pages” value=”1 page;1
2 pages;2
3 pages;3
4 pages;4
5 pages;5
6 pages;6
7 pages;7
8 pages;8
9 pages;9
10 pages;10
11 pages;11
12 pages;12
13 pages;13
14 pages;14
15 pages;15
16 pages;16
17 pages;17
18 pages;18
19 pages;19
20 pages;20
21 pages;21
22 pages;22
23 pages;23
24 pages;24
25 pages;25
26 pages;26
27 pages;27
28 pages;28
29 pages;29
30 pages;30
31 pages;31
32 pages;32
33 pages;33
34 pages;34
35 pages;35
36 pages;36
37 pages;37
38 pages;38
39 pages;39
40 pages;40
41 pages;41
42 pages;42
43 pages;43
44 pages;44
45 pages;45
46 pages;46
47 pages;47
48 pages;48
49 pages;49
50 pages;50″][/bt_cc_multiply][/bt_cost_calculator]
Now proceed with sending us your ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS by Clicking on the arrow below
Uncompromised QUALITY at Affordable PRICE !

How are your prices calculated ?
Our pricing depends on
- Difficulty level (It is judged by checking assignment requirements manually)
- Deadline (More the time for deadline, lesser the price)
- Word limits (Higher the word limits, higher the price)(Not applicable to programming, statistics, and maths)
So, a tight deadline assignment will be dearer. Similarly, the more difficult the assignment, higher the price.
Why don't you have a fixed price model
We have custom pricing model and not a fixed price model because it results in costly pricing for students and unfair commitment.
- Overcharging the students: In a fixed pricing model, easy assignments get charged at par with the difficult ones, which means overcharging students. We do not wish for that.
- False commitment due to automatic acceptance: This means there is no manual check of the assignment guidelines before charging our clients. We do not commit until we are sure of giving you quality and that is why we quote only after manually checking your assignment guidelines.
I am a student, can you give me some discount?
We know that our clients are mostly non earning students and that is why we take utmost care while sending a quote for your assignments. We charge bare minimum possible for our services. However, if you are a regular customer, you will be offered 10% discount on the quoted amount as a loyalty discount.
It would not be possible for us to bargain on the quote.