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Develop an essay focusing on the following:
Janice is studying nursing at university and is keen to work in the Intensive Care Unit after she graduates. In her view, this will be an exciting and varied job that will allow her to really make a difference for people who are acutely unwell. Samprit is studying nursing too and wishes to work in the Emergency Department where he intends to use quick thinking and fast action to save lives. Neither Janice, nor Samprit can see the relevance in learning about care and caring, mental health recovery, consumer and carer centred approaches or even the most common mental health disorders. In their view, they do not want to waste time on the occasional 'madman' or 'drunk' who may cross their path. Since they don't want to pursue a career in mental health nursing they don't understand why they should learn about it in their program of study.
Required discussion points for the essay:
Consider the points of view of Janice and Samprit.
- Using contemporary research, discuss their opinion in light of the high levels of people with a physical illness who also have a mental health problem; and people with a mental illness who also have a physical illness.
- Why is it important for all nurses such as Janice & Samprit to understand national and state/territory policy direction and models of care utilised by mental health services to enhance their practice? How has your concept of recovery changed since undertaking the topic NURS 1007.
- Discuss the difference between mental health and mental illness and the importance of a mental state examination when undertaking a comprehensive assessment. What steps should Janice or Samprit take to engage with and support a person with mental health needs in a hospital environment, for example in the Emergency Department, or on a busy medical ward, to ensure all their needs are met?
Your assignment needs to be in essay format. Ensure all arguments and opinions are supported by relevant literature (not simply publicly available websites). Referencing and in-text referencing is expected from all students using the Harvard referencing format.
The constant interaction between the human mind and body cannot be denied. Hence, the comprehension of their fundamental association in wellness is much too prudent for the healthcare practitioners. A patient with mental ailments such as depression, bi-polar disease or anxiety for example is more likely to experience a range of physical ailments (Gilmour, 2008). Similarly, a patient with chronic health condition is more prone to be diagnosed with mental conditions such as depression, or anxiety amongst others (De-Hert et al. 2011). Co-existing mental and physical ailments can worsen the quality of life, and impact the treatment outcomes for a patient (Mills et al. 2009). In addition, the absence of this consideration paves an increased stress upon the healthcare sector of the country, and reduces the productivity of the society. Through the present paper, this gap in the comprehension of the inter-relation between physical and mental wellness will be reduced, and attempt is made to assess the evolving concepts of health and wellness in the field of nursing. Such that holistic comprehension of health can be provided to the nursing professionals.
Physical wellness and mental wellness relation
The social determinants, illness experience and the biological pathway collectively have been associated with the presence of the increased likelihood between physical and mental condition' co-presence in patients (De-Hert et al. 2011). Mental ailments have been known to alter the hormonal framework of the patients, along with their diet considerations and sleep cycles, which invariably impact their physical systems, and make them vulnerable to poor health (Robson and Gray, 2007). Furthermore, mental conditions impacts the cognitive and social functioning of an individual, which results in the negative adoption of the healthy behaviour. Thus, increased prevalence of smoking, substance abuse, obesity and insomnia, along with their physical ramifications has been found with respect to the mentally unhealthy patients (Gilmour, 2008). In addition, conditions like schizophrenia and depression have been known as the predecessors for diabetes, owing to the hormonal changes in the body, and inability of the body to develop insulin effectively (Carney, Jones and Woolson, 2006).
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