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Session eight (Power and Change) and session 10 (Cross-Cultural Influences on Change) of this course discusses the topic which can derail most change programs if incorrectly used – power.
Your task is to compare Singapore and Australia in terms of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, and then discuss how national culture influences French & Raven's 'Five Bases of Power'.
From there, argue a case that the use of power in change programs may more efficient, or less efficient, if the organisational change is happening in Singapore or Australia.
Change is an inevitable feature of any organization. The need of bringing the changes in strategies and the operations of an organization is always there to lead in the competition. As the change is important for the organization likewise the management of the change is also important (Todnem 2005).
Power can be utilized by the managers to get the job done. The processes of change in organization are influenced by power and interest groups' behaviour in the organization. The managers have the power to influence the people of the organization and can bring the changes by using their powers. In the different countries, the power is accepted in a different manner in the organizations. The power is also used by the people in the organizations in different manner. Some use the power for the good of the organization and some use it for their own good. The effect of power upon the change can either be positive or negative. As the culture of different countries varies likewise the acceptance of power also varies (Changing minds 2018).
The essay will present the effect of power upon the change programs and its use and acceptance in different culture. The comparison of cultural dimension will also be performed among Australia and Singapore.
Changes in organization are important. The improvement in the organization can be enhanced by the change programs. The role of power is important, as it affect the changes. The acceptance of power varies due to the variation in the culture.
The essay will not only cover the strategies that are used for the management of change but the impact of the power upon the change programs will be assessed.
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