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Your final assessment task for IKC101 requires you to consider your previous learning across each module of the subject. Each assessment task has asked you to reflect on, and critically analyse specific elements of your standpoint through your engagement with the learning activities: that is, the social, institutional, and historical factors and forces that influence knowledge.
For this task you will take the role of an individual applying to lead the project described for the organisation you have selected from the options below.
Choose one organisation only:
Organisation | Project Description |
Business –
Supply Nation was established in 2009 and “works with partners, members, Certified Suppliers, and Registered Businesses to achieve its vision of a prosperous, vibrant and sustainable Indigenous enterprise sector.” |
Our company aims to secure a contract with Qantas to provide locally sourced bush tucker for all of their regional flights within NSW. We are a well–established brand who currently supply catering items to businesses throughout NSW, Victoria and the ACT. We will consult and work with local Indigenous communities, businesses and entrepreneurs to enable this vision to be realised in a respectful and sustainable way.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Graphic design and advertising –
Gilimbaa are “a full service creative agency specialising in strategic and connected communication. [They] are driven by the power and process of storytelling and the role this plays in the education and celebration of culture and community.” |
Our business has been engaged by a non-Government organisation to create a logo and associated branding related to their new services and building in Dubbo. We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative, which will reflect the strength and resilience of the local communities. The project officer will consult with local Indigenous community members, and organisations, and will work with an artist from the region to realise this project.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Performing Arts –
Bangarra “is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation and one of Australia's leading performing arts companies, widely acclaimed nationally and around the world for … powerful dancing, distinctive theatrical voice and utterly unique soundscapes, music and design.” |
The Indigenous Dance Project aims to provide Wiradjuri secondary students with the opportunity to participate in an arts and cultural program that develops professional pathways for young people, and strengthens their connections with local community and peers. Students will receive artistic mentorship in dance, cultural knowledge and performance skills. It will be led by accomplished contemporary Indigenous dancers from Bangarra.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Education –
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Independent School was 'established in 1986 with an aim to promote the development of Indigenous students as independent and skilled people who are culturally, morally and socially responsible, employable, and capable of self-fulfilment and of contributing to society.' |
Yungartilla is a newly accredited independent K-12 school on the NSW north-coast region that is implementing an initiative to encourage high level engagement between Indigenous parents and Yungartilla teachers. Twelve out of the 15 teachers employed by the school are non-Indigenous and comprise eight (8) new graduates and four (4) highly experienced teachers. The aim of the project is to establish a mutual channel so that Indigenous students of the school receive culturally relevant curriculum, and to build trust and rapport between parents and teachers.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Science –
The Nimmie-Caira Project is a “significant water saving project for NSW…aims to balance the environmental and Aboriginal cultural heritage protection with commercial use so as to create an asset for the local community and the Murray-Darling Basin”. |
Our organisation is recruiting a lead project officer who will work collaboratively with key stakeholders focusing on the Long Term Land Management Plan component of the project.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Health –
The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) is “the national peak body for Aboriginal health. In 1997, the Federal Government funded NACCHO to establish a Secretariat in Canberra [this] increased the capacity of Aboriginal Peoples involved in [Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services] to participate in national health policy development”. |
In order to close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia, a pilot program has been established. This program will employ Indigenous Community Health workers in targeted locations across Australia. The Community Health workers will be responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with the local community they are working in and for, in order to facilitate improved health outcomes for that community.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
Social Welfare / Social Work – Uniting Burnside “offers a range of short and long-term care options for young people, including foster care, guardianship and adoption.” |
Our organisation is recruiting a lead project officer to expand our services into Western NSW. The project will recruit and support carers and staff throughout the region to provide tailored support to children and young people in Out-Of-Home Care.
We are recruiting a project officer to lead this initiative. |
You are submitting an expression of interest (EoI) to lead the selected project connected to the organisation you have chosen. You are required to explain your professional philosophy and demonstrate an understanding of the historical and institutional influences on the field in which the organisation operates. In addition, you will review your original assessment of cultural competence from Task 1(a) and describe how you would enact your evolved understandings in the Project Officer role. A critical part of the project is to work with local Indigenous community or groups to build connections to interpret and respond to their needs.
Ensure you include all supporting information (3 sections) including in—text references and a reference list (APA 6th ed.).
Section 1. Explain your professional standpoint as it applies to your cultural competence. (300 words)
Indigenous students face challenges today in not only western education system, but in their own as well. The competition in the present-day world continues to increase, which paves a stress on these community to prepare their off springs for tomorrow and still retain their values. I have always believed that cultural association is integral for a positive development of a being. It is believed to be associated with a positive sense of self which helps an individual grow in the community with strong sense of self-actualization.
In this age of diversity, one would assume that the children would be allowed to flourish in synchronization with their cultural values and western education goals. Yet, in most western education frameworks, the stance of aboriginal students is not very positive. This is associated with the lack of training amongst the non-aboriginal educators in managing the former as per their respective cultural values, and still ensuring their maximum output. In this interconnected world, it is important for any indigenous child to retain their cultural value and sense of self as well as community, yet also gain skills to contribute to the world at a global level. However, often the lack of awareness of the cultural values and difference in expectations of success and performance between parents and the educators can become a reason for stress, which ultimately might affect the student performance.
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