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Write an essay to explain how to provide the best holistic end of life to a person while managing your own personal values and beliefs and how they affect your interaction with a patient?
A palliative end of life care is the care provided to the patients with critical and terminal illness. In such cases nursing professionals intends to improve the quality of life for patients through physical, pharmaceutical, psychosocial and spiritual assistance (Brenann, 2013). Through such measures, a nursing professional is responsible to not only provide support to the patient, rather contribute towards the recuperation of the entire family. Studies reflect that despite training and experience, often nursing professional face challenges in the transforming an acceptance of end of life for the patients (Zamanzadeh et al. 2015). The thesis of the present essay focus on the face that whether it is the grieving process, or advocacy of treatment or educating the patients, the cultural competency and the social as well as personal value system of the nursing professional impact the care delivery of the end of life patients (Bullington and Fagerberg, 2013). Through the present research, these challenges are studied comprehensively, and recommendations to provide effective holistic care to the patients are shared.
Management of end-of-life care
Nursing professionals has long since been recognized as the proponents of care and improved life quality for the patients. In many hospital settings, as opposed to the physicians, the nursing professionals are responsible for the communicating with the patients about the severity of their condition (Brennan, 2013). Which means, the first role that these professionals have to accept is be involved in the grieving process of these patients, and give them hope (Herth and Cutclife, 2013). Later the nursing professionals provide them advice with respect to the advanced directives, and further educate them about the time ahead. As per a review conducted by Selman et al. (2013), the end-of-life care is not only associated with reduction of pain for the patients, or providing them with physical assistance. Rather it is also helping the patients in coming to term with their reality while considering their religious and spiritual orientations (Lazenby et al. 2016).
In this sense, Cavallo (2015), advocated the humanitarian approach of the end-of-life assistance and counter that a sense of being must be enabled in all professionals working within the holistic care realms, such that they can introduce a spiritual and humanistic element in the patient care. The primary principles of good palliative care remain having a regard that dying is a natural process, recognize that focus should be to reduce patient distress and pain, not hasten or prolong the dying process, and integrate measures to allow patients live as actively as possible in the last days (Cavallo, 2015; Mills et al. 2017; Zamanzadeh et al. 2015). Despite, all these steps, most nursing professionals recognize that spiritual and psychological assistance are also part of the effective treatment for the patients.
For this process it is recognized that indicators of health and the standard of prognosis should be used amongst the patients, such that an effective bereavement of care can be provided to the patients (Hold, 2013; Miller et al. 2016). Furthermore, through the comprehension of the same, the professionals can understand the challenges of the patients as well as their parents, and provide assistance to the patients through varied religious, spiritual assistance and cultural competencies.
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