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Give a brief concept on development and marketing plan for a sustainable offering with reflections?
Reflection of skills for the project
Over the years, I have developed a number of skills that have helped me directly or indirectly in different situations. Varied nature of experiences at work and personal life has helped me evolve as a person.
Since the environment at work encourages all tasks to be performed as part of various teams, I have developed a sense of collaboration in me. Interacting with people carrying different perspectives and mindsets helps in bringing a comprehensive solution to the problem. I have seen a remarkable change in me since the time I was an introvert and believed in minding my own business to now when the entire day is spent talking to various stakeholders to arrive at a consensus.
I have also realized the importance of looking at a problem from a creative standpoint. There are people who always contribute an innovative thought to the problem at hand, which the crowd had missed out. This is something I have been trying to develop since thinking out of the box helps you reach out to horizons that very few have visited. I put an effort to think differently so that I can understand different types of customers and be cautious of all repercussions that may possibly happen.
The most salient learning from my life experience so far has been effective time management and planning. Irrespective of the magnanimity of the task, planning out a skeleton of activities always helps to achieve the outcome in a better manner. However, planning for me isn't only about scheduling things, but also to have a macro view of the situation right from the beginning. This has helped me look at broader solutions and manage things in an efficient manner. Planning would also help in crafting a strategy right from the start and adopting a disciplined approach to implement the same in a step-by-step manner.
I have also acquired a few management skills on the way by working with different groups, outlining the goals and objectives to achieve the solution and looking at a long-term outcome. There is a lot more to learn in this field as I look forward to more diverse experiences. However, I've realized the importance of working in a synergy since everyone tries his or her best to contribute and thus achieve a better solution at a higher pace. As a manager, I also plan to develop skills in order to motivate others and put my energy to drive a change from the front
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