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Pick an element of phonology that interests you and develop something that you could use to illustrate and explain it within a classroom context. You could plan this as a 'one-off' lesson or a lesson within a series of lessons based on pronunciation.
Remember that you can use both spoken and written/visual material to teach pronunciation and you may like to include some of the internet links we have suggested earlier in this module within your plan.
Have you got the focus of the lesson right? For example, if it's a reading/writing/grammar based lesson, have you made this skill or element the central part of the lesson? Is this reflected in the timings? Have you mentioned the relevant skill in your aim?
I think that as a lesson plan it is effective in its essence. The focus of the plan was to introduce phonetic based concepts to the learners, and help them improve their speech. The aim and the focus in the lesson plan was outlined in an adept manner. This skill has been a central part of the lesson, which is evident through activities and engagement-based exercises such as the riddles. I have also incorporated audio-visual tools in this accord, such that the students can identify from which part of the mouth, varied sounds come. Over 30 minutes of phonetic practice, and 15 minutes of the sentence framework has been included to stress primarily on the activity and speaking part of the lesson. Overall, some training and introduction as well as engagement with the student was initiated for this lesson, to understand the skill level of the students, following which stress on varied aspects of phonetics was placed to improve lesson outcome.
Are there any points where the student(s) might lose interest or where they have worked quicker than you expected? If so, where and do you have a backup or extra activity? What would you have them do?
Overall, I have tried to include enough variety in the lesson plan. There are visual aids, blackboard discussions, classroom engagement, activities, and practice sentences as part of the lesson plan exercises, which provides variety to the lesson plan. I think there is enough structure and variety to keep students interested. I am confident that there are many elements in the lesson plan, which will allow even a slow learner to grasp the concepts of phonetics effectively. However, I am concerned that there is just so much information in the lesson plan that the students might get overwhelmed with the knowledge. However, the tongue twister activity will reduce that pressure, and add fun to the overall lesson.
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