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Nursing Leadership Portfolio
Professional Mission
I (SJ) aspire to effectively utilize my clinical experience and skills with the objective of influencing the behaviour and opinions of the patient population at the community level. I also intend to effectively configure safety culture across the hospital environment in the context of elevating the quality of healthcare interventions for the patient population as well as the healthcare teams. I also look forward to effectively monitor the work execution of the new nurses in the context of improving their interpersonal skills across the hospital environment. The configuration of patient trust through altruism and compassion is my preliminary objective in the healthcare sector. The effective safeguarding of patient dignity, sensitivity and trust are predominantly required with the objective of improving treatment compliance for the eventual enhancement of the wellness outcomes.
Indeed, as a community member, I intend to elevate equity in healthcare interventions across the clinical setting. I intend to administer treatment and care procedures to the eligible patients irrespective of their sexual orientation, religion, education, income sources and cultural background. I earnestly believe that the systematic uprooting of inequity from the health care approaches will substantially minimize the pattern of unfair decisions and approaches by the medical professionals as well as the insurance-based healthcare system (Ferraz, 2015). I believe that an efficient healthcare system will potentially improve patient care outcomes and minimize the hospital stay duration of the treated patients despite the existence of health care barriers in the clinical setting. I consistently believe in and follow the Utilitarian theory that advocates the requirement of population health enhancement while utilizing the bare minimum cost and resources in the healthcare setting (Ferraz, 2015).
The role of nursing professional in my opinion is related to the systematic exploration of the individualized as well as community-based needs of the treated patients. The nurses also need to investigate the percentage of the vulnerable population with the objective of effectively promoting their health and welfare across the community environment. I continue to treat a large number of Hispanic patients in an esteemed hospital in Miami (Florida). Indeed, I have also acquired the opportunity to collaborate with a local church with the core objective of getting closer to the Hispanic community. My findings for the Hispanic community revealed their elevated vulnerability and stratification across the community environment. I, therefore, understand the requirement of undertaking evidence-based community interventions with the objective of enhancing the health-related awareness, living conditions and formal education pattern of the Hispanic people. I collaborated with a Baptist church member with the objective of administering seminars and classes regarding diabetes, hypertension, and nutrition in the Spanish language to the Hispanic community.
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