Non-consequential Ethical Analysis Assignment 2
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Non-consequential Ethical Analysis Assignment 2


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Assignment 2 Non consequential ethical analysis 

Submission: You must follow the same instructions as for assignment 1. Remember that an assignment which has a Turnitin Originality Report which shows a text match of more than 10% is not considered submitted and will not be accepted.

This assignment is a continuation of Assignment 1 and you must analyse the same ethical question which you defined in Assignment 1.

Restate your ethical question from Assignment 1 on page 1 of Assignment 2. You can modify the precise wording of your ethical question drawing on feedback provided in Assignment 1.

  1.  Identify 3 virtues relevant to the analysis of your specific ethical question. Define each virtue in no more than one sentence. (3 marks)
  2.  Discuss the morality of the act central to your ethical question by comparison with your 3 chosen virtues. (2 marks)
  3.  Apply Kant's categorical imperative by completing the following tasks. You need to support any yes/no answers with relevant discussion.
  4. Define a specific rule which authorises the act central to your ethical question. (2 marks)
  5. Define the general rule which authorises the act central to your ethical question. (1 mark)
  6. Is the general rule inherently self-contradictory? Why or why not? (2 marks)
  7. Does the general rule violate Kant's practical imperative or any of Kant's other absolute moral rules? (2 marks)
  8. Is the general rule contrary to its fundamental purpose? (1 mark)
  9. Is the act ethical according to Kant's ethical system? (2 marks)
  1.  Provide an ethical conclusion by comparing your conclusions from the act utilitarian analysis in Assignment 1, your virtue ethics and Kantian analyses in this assignment, and drawing on your own ethical conscience. (5 marks)


Ethical Question

Should multinational corporations like Nestle be responsive to literacy gender gap in India?

Virtues relevant to the analysis


The quality being appreciable towards problems arising during a specific time and circumstance – moral, legal, or mental and act in order to respond to them with accountability and morality (Bergsteiner & Avery, 2003).



The virtue of generosity is giving to another person something that is one's own without obligation and without expectation as an act of freedom that a person can choose to do (Behrents, 2017)


Prudence is a cardinal virtue as it regulates all virtues and it is the readiness to part with the current gain for the future prosperity i.e., it helps to pursue those things which are generally good in life to achieve worthy ends. (Cornford, 2008)

Morality of Act 

Improving the welfare of citizens in the developing countries where MNCs operate business has become a critical responsibility (Eweje, 2006). It is their commitment to act responsibly by catering to the community development policies. Due to the lack of governmental support to MNCs in undertaking social development initiatives in developing countries, they have to act proactively in responding to the prevailing conditions in the underprivileged communities. For instance, the food and drinks company Nestle has invested portions of revenue in educating the poor rural women in India (Rawat, 2017). There is a common perception that for-profit businesses lack generosity. However, due to their responsibility to society according to the stakeholder theory, there is growing number of investments in assisting the vulnerable segments of the society especially underprivileged women (OECD, 2011). In most of the cases like that of Nestle, generosity is measured through monetary resources allocated for this purpose in relation to the revenue generated.

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