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Write a training proposal for the Human Resource Development Department?
Scope of the proposal
This proposal is designed to ensure that the managers in the organization develop skills that help them to connect with their subordinates so that they can establish themselves as examples that their subordinates can look up to, thereby ensuring that their position and experience is given a fair share of respect.
Recommended HRD approaches
The reasons as to why the HRD Department should conduct training to develop the interpersonal skills of the section managers are manifold. The section managers need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses so that they can be used to their advantage. They need to inculcate the right amount of emotional quotient in their decisions. They should learn about the importance of building a good rapport in the team. The skills to resolve conflicts amicably and solve problems efficiently is something they should know. They need to be open to learning and keeping themselves updated about the latest incidents in their relevant fields. They should be responsible and act according to what they preach (Cullen, 2014).
The primary attendants of this training program should be the people who need to interact with their team daily, they need to lead them by example, they make important decisions which affect their team and organization at large. According to the case, the primary attendants of this training are the section managers.
Some of the approaches that the HRD Department can take in order to make the training sessions affective for the managers are:
Online Training
This is one of the most effective means of imparting effective training. The 24/7 accessibility allows the participants to take up self-paced learning. Also modern pedagogy like gamification etc. enable learners to retain the learnings. Researches have proved that this is a more effective and scientific way of imparting training as compared to the conventional methods of teaching. Apart from that, there are other advantages like instant clarification of doubts from the wide pool of experts, more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Training is mainly imparted through the development of scenarios (M.Schmeekle, 2003).
Classroom Training
This is the conventional form of training and to date, it hasn't lost its effectiveness. The advantages that this form of training provides include the fact that this training happens in a closed environment wherein the attendants can wholly concentrate on the training topic without any pressure from the surrounding work environment (Ni, 2015). Since the training is basically to deal with other humans, it often becomes necessary that the 'human touch' is maintained. These enable the attendants to get an idea about body language, actions and reactions etc. The activities conducted during the training sessions help in increasing the group interaction capability of the individuals and when it comes to learning interpersonal skills, these kinds of setups help the attendants to get an idea of what to expect as an outcome of the training. Training mainly happens through group activities.
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