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Conduct literature review of the subject of the mini-research project. Review at least 5 research articles reporting empirical research relevant to your study.
Peer interaction is a useful method for conducting a study on the L2 comprehension of students of second language learning. Peer interaction refers to the activities, whether formal or informal, which learners of a second language do among themselves in a second-language learning context. The significance of peer-interaction is that it enables students to learn or test their knowledge of the target language without the intervention from a proficient professional, and simultaneously helps students create an atmosphere of one-to-one interaction and putting their knowledge to practical purpose. This helps students practice their language skills and knowledge in practical situations. Collaborative writing is one method by which students enter into peer-interaction. It involves learners of L2 language participating in a collective process whereby they discuss together and write (together or separately) in order to hone their language skills in L2. The studies looking at collaborative writing, even though those are few, have concluded positively about the results of collaborative writing in class upon the learning process. Most importantly, it has been argued by researchers into collaborative writing that as a process, it helps tie together multiple processes of learning via peer interaction.
This essay will consider some key theories and concepts which are crucial in the topics of peer-interaction and collaborative-writing, and present a literary review of five crucial papers discussing these two topics. From these considerations, it would proceed to present research questions on the issue of using collaborative writing as a peer-interaction technique in second language teaching.
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