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Assume you have been asked to do a group assignment for one of your units – Information System for Businesses. For each of the technologies below, state whether it is synchronous or asynchronous and what it could be used for in doing the assignment.
a) e-mail
b) Discussion forum
c) Multiparty text chat
d) Video conferencing
How easy would it be to write the assignment together using the above technologies?
Answers for Information System For Businesses
e-mail – These work in the asynchronous mode. Though they have multiple advantages, in terms of, confirming orders, or they can be used as marketing tools in the form of email marketing; still they have certain negative points as well. Many times, it has been noticed, due to lack of complete information, the email communication tends to be ineffective.
Discussion forum – This falls under the asynchronous category. Fast food chains can moderate discussion forums through which they can gauge the food eating habits of their consumers. This can help the fast food joint to enhance, expand their product line, and cut down on the non-profitable ones. It has been rightly said, that consumer is the King, and what better way for them to feel so, if not for dishing out special menus on their requests.
Multiparty text chat – This kind of communication is synchronous in nature. Multiparty text chats can be used by the suppliers and the food chain store manager. It can be an efficient and cost effective method of communication of supply of raw materials. Multiparty text chats can also be used at the higher levels in organisations, wherein all the parties can discuss decisions that do not require a face to face interaction. This will help in bridging the disadvantage of time, location etc.
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