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Make a presentation on managing culture and change as the Pecha Kucha presentation format and the script for each slide the total duration would be 6mins and each slide 20sec. The topic can be general about the managing culture and change -leadership style, organizational change, CSR.I have provided all the lecture notes which can help and the marking criteria as well. Please be advised to provide this assignment to an expert in management and also have an idea about Pecha Kucha.
Pre-subject Reflection
Generally, leaders are perceived to be stewards who act ethically and induce commitment and trust among their followers (Caldwell et al. 2008). I presumed it to be the ethical duty of a corporate leader to cater to the needs of stakeholders such as employees, customers and society, as well as wealth maximisation. A leader’s behaviour is impacted by his/ her personal traits, styles and other environmental influences. I have observed that our society prefers to have caring individuals, humane treatment of others, fair treatment for employees and customers and the trustworthiness of the leader to serve all rather than influential members (Lawler 2015). In this portfolio, I reflect upon my understanding of the subject Managing, Leading and Stewardship – 21937.
According to me, Leadership is the key to success in a task. However, Leadership will again involve directing people or showing people the right methods to achieve success (Murray et al. 2015). I believed that enrolling on this subject would assist me in preparing to meet the professional criteria for leadership skills. I felt that this would enable me to act collectively with other professionals, especially colleagues, during pressurising or unethical events. From the handbook, I understood that stewardship is the focus of this subject. The impact of a steward like a leader on the organisation and its stakeholders is regarded as highly influential. I hoped that this understanding would assist during my professional practice where I have to be a manager, leader and follower. This subject seemed to focus on Leadership as a responsibility to effectively accomplish a task towards excellence.
Since there is always a discussion on media related to the moral responsibility of leaders, I assumed that stewardship in a person would allow him to manage with due diligence. This
subject would allow me to understand that stewardship is taking accountability and managing ethically. I believe that stewardship has significant implications because it involves one's time, resources and energy to support my orientation (Bernstein, Buse & Bilimoria 2016).
Due to the ambiguous nature of society and constant changes experienced in the business environment, integrity is a major challenge. Sometimes, I held the impression that leadership positions are morally challenged. This, I think, will ultimately result in a negative impact on their followers. Under this circumstance, I felt that learning about stewardship behaviours are highly essential to focus on commitment to values, collective serving, motivation, and use of personal acumen for value creation.
As I explored more about this concept, I found that organisations tend to be successful when the management functions with a moral conscience towards ensuring social responsibilities. At the same time, profit-focused organisations have been experiencing difficulty to perform sustainably and gaining competitive success. This showed me that the key to this moral conscience has the stewardship mentality. As a professional and a leader, I am expected to practice morality in handling organisational issues. I was of the misconception that a manager has to simply apply basic management principles to achieve value. But I expect this subject learning would change my viewpoint that understanding the society and people with whom I will work would play a vital role in shaping my managerial skills. I aspire to garner more knowledge and develop my professional abilities through this subject.
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