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Write a Critical Analysis of Language ideology, language theory, and the regulation of linguistic behavior’
The present paper, ‘Language ideology, language theory, and the regulation of linguistic behavior’ (2009) has been written by Philip Seargeant. It deals with the language ideologies and linguistic system in a way that shows how language is regulated in society. Seargeant discusses the issues raised in this area from the perspective of linguistic anthropology and philosophical studies starting from dualism that was rejected in the late 18th century with the with the Hamann–Herder–Humboldt tradition (pg. 346). He then poses a question if there is a fundamental interdependence between language ideologies and linguistic system which leads to further examination of implications of a such a question to understand the role of language in the lived experience in the latter part of the paper. The paper starts the discussion of the question raised in the introduction and the examination of its implications to regulate the language within society with five theses and offers its applications for applied linguistics.
According to the first thesis, any language scenario where communication happens involves both an understanding of the linguistic system and an ideology of language as it is done through the practices of speech. One important example here is language policy and institutional infrastructure that transforms policy into practice (pg. 347). The second thesis presents the conflicts between the linguistic system and ideology of language raising a question that to what extent the various language ideologies are a part of a verifiable theory of language. The third thesis raises the challenge for an integrated theory of language ideology and the linguistic system by hypothesizing that certain ideologies of language are
part of the linguistic system because language is a differential system. One example here is the differences in dialect are inevitable because language is not an unchanging entity, but one that adapts to the environment. Thesis four promotes a further proposition suggesting that certain ideologies are functional and internal regulations for the linguistic system where communication takes place. The fifth thesis proposes that all such ideologies can be mixed with non-linguistic issues to be more substantive in operation.
The implications are proposed as its analyses would ensure a foundation for productive language regulation. While discussing the incompatibility problems, a basic premise is given as the validity of any language ideology would always depend upon its compatibility with the linguistic system (pg. 350). But when the language ideology is properly structured, it does not need to be invalidated by incompatibility with the linguistic system because it fulfills extra-lingual function within society.
The two major issues involved in this topic and discussed in detail are language ideology and the linguistic system can be incompatible as language ideology is not primarily concerned with language. The second issue is even though the language is the main concern, they can be incompatible because it is mistakenly believed to violate the tenets of the linguistic system. The author discusses further why such misrepresentations exist and what consequences they bring within the social order. As he argues, a theory is an incomplete understanding, but it qualifies as a collection of observable facts and provides an anchor for our key distinction. It can be put between the theory of the linguistic system and language ideology for the first can be subsumed by the other if we take language ideology as an entrenched system of thought about language. But the fact is it is between the linguistic system itself that consists of this collection of observable facts and ideology. This distinction can be shown between the ways of thinking about language that is based upon observable facts and then examined with reason.
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