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(ExpertAssignmentHelp do not recommend anyone to use this sample as their own work.)
Assignment overview
Presenting your ideas, or yourself, is an important skill in professional environments. In fact it is one of the key ‘soft skills’ that 21st century employers seek in prospective employees at all levels. Indeed, the capacity to also reflect on your learning and develop is also a valued 21st century professional soft skill.
This assignment will set you up for success in future units as well as when you make the leap into your new career. The task involves presentation of self as well as reflection on self. For this presentation, you will be required to choose between developing either a Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow or a scripted video to be uploaded to a unlisted YouTube playlist. No matter what your familiarity with PowerPoint or video recording, editing and uploading platforms, the following things will set you up for success:
Follow the instructions given in this document.
Read the criteria and rubric carefully.
Complete the activities associated with this task.
Seek feedback from your eLA and fellow students.
Look for examples of great presentations that you can borrow ideas from.
Please note: if you choose the PowerPoint option, you are not required to do an oral presentation. Instead, you will present a creative, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation for submission via Turnitin. Nevertheless, as with the uploaded, scripted video option, this is your chance to present information about yourself in an engaging and visually interesting way while conveying your message clearly and effectively.
Related learning outcomes
This assignment contributes to the following learning outcomes:
- construct and publish knowledge in the online environment
- reflect on self as a learner.
Assignment details
This assignment is also an initial reflection of your current state – a snapshot in time for Week 9 of your first unit in your online course. In your final piece of assessment, Assignment 4: Personal development reflection, you will be asked to look back on this PowerPoint or video presentation to reflect on your journey through the unit and think about the pathways ahead.
Use this prompt as a starting point. Note, you're not required to use this anywhere in your presentation – it is merely to give you the overall context for what you will present.
Hello all, I am XXXX, and I stand here in front of you today to introduce myself and speak about my experience as an educator and the course of the journey I am taking presently.
My areas of expertise
I am a Senior Educator at GoodStart early Learning, with over a decade of experience working with young 3-5 years old children. I have completed my Bachelor of Education from India and aspires to be a primary level educator in Australia. My journey in the profession has been nothing short of an adventure. I believe that a teacher must be as good as a candle, who is ready to light the way for others through consuming itself. I bring my desire to be a continuous learner, my passion, and my dedication as well as competency to the profession. Early in my profession, I have witnessed a change in the learning paradigm as I started practising in the western world. I intend to adapt the lessons of these cultural differences and competencies with digitalization to evolve learning for students, which enables innovation. My choice of taking a course as an online learner is based on this understanding.
My current knowledge of the online environment
As most people caught in the transition of digitalization of the world, I have made myself adapt to social media and popular search engines, as well as intricacies of the e-government and e-commerce. I am also familiar with the concept of blackboard and have accustomed myself to class’ blackboard and discussions. I think that through the inclusion of the web-based environment, students have become more proactive in their learning. I am also familiar with audio and visual assistive aids available on the web and understand their application for an effective project-based interactive learning paradigm. In this sense, I am familiar with the synchronous and asynchronous learning form much needed for modern classrooms.
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