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- Demonstrate their understanding of the concepts of patient safety and quality in healthcare.
- Explain the impact of human factors in healthcare contexts and their influence on staff performance for patient safety.
- Conceptualise the impact of a safety and risk management culture on healthcare.
- Demonstrate and apply knowledge in understanding and improving organisational systems and processes.
The study of human factors (including human errors) in relation to work performance is principally required with the objective of improving the patient safety pattern in healthcare settings. The evidence-based modification in human factors is necessarily warranted in the context of eliminating the healthcare hazards and inconsistencies that might facilitate the pattern of patient falls and associated traumatic conditions (Carayon, Xie, & Kianfar, 2014). The safety level of the patient population in Australian healthcare settings is defined by their risk of experiencing traumatic conditions under the influence of sustained defects and inconsistencies in the healthcare management system (AIHW, 2016). Human errors in healthcare settings lead to the sustained reduction in the safety and quality of healthcare interventions that leads to the occurrence of organisational accidents and associated fatalities (Carayon & Wood, 2010). The healthcare teams require administering patient-centred and holistic interventions with the objective of improving the overall health and wellness of the treated patients. Patient-centred healthcare approaches require systematic configuration while engaging physicians, nurses, paramedical professionals and patients with their family members (Carayon & Wood, 2010). This configuration of this patient-centred process is required for the effective customisation of the healthcare services in accordance with the individualised requirements, preferences and values of the treated patients. This critical analysis categorically evaluates the pattern of relationship between healthcare-related human factors, the performance of the healthcare teams and the establishment of safety culture in the medical facilities.
Safety and Quality in Healthcare
Safety and quality in the healthcare system reciprocate with the pattern of human errors. The systematic evaluation of human factors and ergonomics are necessarily required with the objective of re-configuring the healthcare processes, systems and approaches for improving the pattern of quality and safety in healthcare settings (Carayon, et al., 2015). The quality and safety of healthcare interventions are governed by the pattern of deployment of nurse case managers for effectively improving the quality of patient care coordination and associated healthcare outcomes in the medical facilities. Precursory human factors are derived from inconsistencies in human behaviour and adversely influence the administration of healthcare interventions in clinical settings (Fryer, 2013). The unprotected healthcare environment, adverse workplace conditions, unsafe medical practices, absence of hygiene and mishandling of medical equipment include some of the significant attributes that deteriorate the quality and safety of medical practices in the healthcare settings (Fryer, 2013). These adversities eventually downgrade the work-related human factors that reciprocally increase the risk of the establishment of hospital-acquired disease conditions in the treated patients as well as the healthy members of the healthcare teams (Fryer, 2013). Inappropriate interactions of the healthcare teams as well as the treated patients with the healthcare environment also contribute to the deterioration of safety standards that eventually leads to the occurrence of accidents in hospital settings. The absence of insight and understanding of the healthcare workers regarding ergonomics and human factors reduces the scope of the configuration of a protective patient-safety environment in the healthcare settings. Eventually, healthcare teams fail to prioritise the healthcare requirements of the treated patients and are unable to configure safe, qualitative, practical and effective solutions for the systematic enhancement of their wellness outcomes (Gurses, Ozok, & Pronovost, 2012). The misalignment of the human system interfaces, organisational environment and administrative structure significantly contributes to the pattern of deterioration of human factors that subsequently leads to the occurrence of adverse events in healthcare settings. The administrative personnel, nurse managers, device manufacturers, physicians and other members of the healthcare teams, therefore, need to carefully align the interdependent system factors with the objective of configuring a protective environment in the healthcare settings (Henriksen , Dayton , Keyes , Carayon , & Hughes , 2008). Qualitative delivery of prescription interventions is directly based on the pattern of patient compliance to the recommended treatment regimen (Holden, et al., 2014). This indicates the requirement of an effective partnership between patients and physicians with the objective of facilitating the healing process under the influence of systematic prescription management. The establishment of a patient safety culture also depends on the extent of adaptation of patients and physicians to the hospital culture. The introduction of new healthcare innovations and enhancement of the problem-solving behaviour of medical professionals makes the healthcare system more dynamic and less prone to the occurrence of health adversities (Holden, et al., 2014).
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