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Discuss some of the author's interpersonal grammatical choices that are noteworthy. What are some grammatical choices that might make this text grammatically demanding? Explain.
The author has made use of a clause complex in the very first sentence of the passage. The sentence contains an introductory phrase, “With the 50-year-long refurbishment history of inner-city terrace housing”, followed by an interrupting clause 'you'd perhaps think.' It is then continued with ellipses to create a sense of expectation or insert a pause. The short sentence 'But no.' acts as a mood block. Besides ellipses, the use of hyphens and dashes is also noteworthy. We can see how the word 'the chair' is highlighted in the second sentence by the use of hyphens on both sides. Hyphenated expressions are mostly used to outline the size '2.5 -metre-wide galley' or list the time '50-year-long' of the following noun. More significant is that the author has consistently used finite dependent clauses like 'reinventing the most utilitarian of furniture pieces' and 'converting narrow Victorian houses into comfortable modern homes'. Mood adjuncts are also sprinkled throughout the passage – 'endlessly, amazingly' are mood adjuncts showing intensity, while 'unmistakably' is a comment adjunct trying to make the author's argument about the sandstock bricks more persuasive.
Projected clauses are casually interleaved by the author. Thus, we see that most of the sentences contain projected clauses that are dependent on the independent clauses they modify. The most mentionable rankshifted clauses in the text are 'we'd have exhausted all possible…. back yards', 'to create a new dining nook with a sandstone shelf as a remnant topographical feature' and 'which Welsh tells is the way most people now enter the property', of which the latter one serves as an introduction to other projected clauses in the sentence. Such a complex grammatical structure makes the text demanding in nature.
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