Engineering Assignment Research Proposal
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Engineering Assignment Research Proposal


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During the semester, you should identify an engineering research problem in your discipline that you find interesting, and plan a research project to investigate a solution. This research problem should not be related to your team project topic – you must select an independent research topic.

You must first select one of two scenarios for your research proposal:

  1. A proposal for a 12-month research project to be undertaken at a university, e.g. a masters thesis project. The 'target audience' is your desired academic supervisor (however, you must write in a way that a non-expert could also understand your proposal). Assume they have many students applying to do projects with them and you need to convince them to choose you.
  2. A proposal for a 12-month research project to be undertaken in an industrial setting. The target audience is your boss (however, you must write in a way that a non-expert could also understand your proposal). Assume you are working in a company in an R&D team that has a certain budget for projects for the year. You want to convince your boss that your project idea should go ahead.

In either case, you want to show that you have a good idea and a solid plan, that you know what it is you need to do and how you will approach it.

The full word count of your proposal, including the bibliography, must not exceed 3500 words.

The following paragraphs explain the structure and content that is expected. However, even more detail is provided in the assessment rubric at the end of this document.


Experimental plan 

In this project, the final objective is to find effectiveness of using tire chips gathered from waste tires in mixing with different types of soils. The entire project will revolve around the idea of conducting an experiment in the laboratory to identify if mixing tire chips in soil causes any significant changes in the shearing strength and compressive strength of the soil. For this purpose, the experiment conducted would have the objective of avoiding any bias or irregularity. 

First and foremost, samples of different kinds of soil is needed to conduct the experiment as the tire chips from waste tires will get added to the soil samples. In order to collect samples of two different types of soils – coarse grain soil and fine grain soil, field visits will get arranged. For this purpose, different areas and city locals will be visited to find suitable samples of soil and then evaluate each sample for compatibility with the experiment objectives. At this time, it is expected that the research process in the experiment will most likely include – a fine grain soil sample and a coarse grain sample.


For all the soil samples collected, different testing procedures will be completed on individual soil samples in a laboratory to accurately monitor and measure the impact of adding some quantity of tire chips in the soil mix. For this purpose- three different types of tests would be conducted, allowing the research project to evaluate changes in three most important properties of soil with addition of tire chips, namely- compressive strength, dry density, and shearing strength. Experiments would only include these three tests due to the suitability of these properties of soil in various types of construction projects.

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