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Assessment 1: Online Quiz 1 (Modules 1-3) – Multiple choice questions
Assessment Instructions (both quizzes)
- The quiz link will be available on the unit Blackboard site under the 'Assessments' content tab.
- The quiz will comprise of multiple choice questions from the modules stated as being assessed in the quiz. The questions will be developed from any of the material covered in both the lectures and tutorials, as well as any associated readings from the recommended and other texts. For this reason it is vital students undertake the recommended readings and take the time to attend/ watch/ listen to all lectures and tutorials before attempting the quiz.
- The assessments will be available for one attempt only for each student.
- From the time any quiz is opened, the student will have 30 minutes in which to complete the quiz. Please note that the quiz will close at the stated date and time regardless of whether an attempt has been completed, and your score at this time will be your final score. So please allow yourself time to complete your attempt.
- There is no capacity within these quizzes to go back and change/ view an answer for any question. Attempting to do so will likely cease your attempt and score your attempt as at this stage. Please note that re-opening a quiz attempt whereby a student has attempted to go back to change/ view an answer will not be considered.
- The questions in each week's quiz are randomly selected by Blackboard from a block of questions developed by the Unit Coordinator.
- Please read the instructions for each question. Only one answer is correct for each multiple choice question (however the correct answer may be a choice that states that 'all of the above' are correct). Students may use a simple calculator for medication questions.
- No time extensions will be granted as all students have the same period of time in which to complete these quizzes. It is each student's responsibility to know when the quizzes open and close. Being on clinical practicum placement will not be considered reason to re-open a quiz for individuals who fail to complete any quizzes in the period the quiz is open.
- Students are encouraged to complete the quiz as soon as they have completed their learning for the modules covered within the quiz.
- Please note that Mozilla Firefox is the preferred internet browser for Blackboard quizzes.
- Problems do occur when attempting to do quizzes using smart phones, so it is strongly suggested not to use these.
- If the ECU server or Blackboard fails, students may request via email to the Unit Coordinator, to have their quiz recommenced (at Unit Coordinator's discretion). The Unit Coordinator will only reset the quiz if the problem lies with ECU. If a problem occurs with a student's computer or server, no reset option is available.
- Students will be able to view their score after completing the quiz, however correct answers will not be provided after the quiz, as the quiz is taken directly from learning material.
- Students who have a LAP which if effective for BB quizzes are required to contact the Unit Coordinator via email prior to undertaking the quiz, and advise of a timeframe that they intend to undertake the quiz, so that it may be opened with their specific equity requirements (this requires a specific input by the Unit Coordinator and includes dates, times and length of opening of the quiz). Those students who have a LAP and undertake the quiz without contacting the Unit Coordinator beforehand, are forfeiting their right to use their LAP – please note that these students will not be allowed a 2nd attempt.
Assessment 2: Written case study essay
Assessment Instructions
Kelly Malone is a 49 year old female who has a history of 'not being able to breathe well through her nose', and this disrupts her sleep. Kelly also states that if she exercises or exerts herself, she 'cannot get enough air in' and has to mouth-breathe, using breathing techniques to take deep, slow breaths to stabilise her breathing pattern, so that she does not go dizzy. Kelly has a history of sensitivity to codeine (which causes nausea, dizziness, temperature flushes and malaise), is not on any medication, and has no other medical problems.
After review by the specialist ENT surgeon, it was arranged for Kelly to undergo surgery for a septoplasty and right ethmoidectomy. On arrival pre-operatively Kelly's observations were: T-36.4oC, HR-69bpm, RR-18pm, BP-119/70mmHg, O2-94% RA
You are looking after Kelly on her return to the ward post-operatively at 11:30hrs. She is awake and alert, and has a nasal bolster under her nose, with moderate sanguineous ooze. Her current observations are: T-36.2oC, HR-68bpm, RR-18pm, BP-111/73mmHg, O2-93% RA, and pain score 2/10. IV Compound Sodium Lactate 1L is running at 4/24 rate into Kelly's left arm. Kelly's anaesthetist has prescribed Paracetamol 1g IV/PO 6 hourly, Celecoxib 200mg PO BD, and Tramadol SR 100mg PO BD. Assume nothing, if data is not stated, you should state that it is not known or information has not been provided, and advise what actions you would take.
You are required to research and write an essay with headings, directly relating to the above scenario. Using the nursing process, outline the nursing management for Kelly post-surgery (using all headings in the assignment criteria), discussing all care in general, but focussing on three (3) priority nursing diagnosis/ problems. Please review Learning material/ Module 1/ Nursing process for lecture material that students have been given, regarding the nursing process and plan of care.
- Format in accordance with School of Nursing & Midwifery guidelines (see BB Assessment tab).
- Academic writing style.
- Appropriate sentence structure, grammar and spelling.
- Logical flow.
Assessment 3: Online Quiz 2 (Modules 4-8) – Multiple choice questions
Same assignment instructions as Assignment 1 – Quiz 1
Assessment 4: Closed book examination – Multiple choice, short answer questions, and a question also marked for ELP requiring minimum of 1 page answer
The end of semester examination will comprise 40 multiple choice questions (40 marks); as well as short answer questions, and a question also marked for ELP, which are worth 80 marks in total (the exam is worth 120 marks which will be scaled into a score out of 60%). The questions will be developed from any of the material covered in both the lectures and tutorials, as well as any associated readings from the recommended and other texts. For this reason it is vital students taking this unit undertake the recommended readings, take the time to attend/ watch/ listen to all lectures and tutorials, and form personal study notes each week.
The short answer questions WILL include medication calculations where students will be required to provide the formula and show the working to reach their answer and obtain maximum marks. Other short answer questions will require students to demonstrate the knowledge they have gained in this unit against clinical scenarios.
One question in the examination will be assessed for English language proficiency in accordance with the ECU English Language Proficiency Strategy. The question will be clearly identified as being subject to ELP assessment. Students are required to not only answer the content of this question, but they must do so using correct English grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure (syntax). American spelling will be marked as incorrect for this question. The ELP question will carry a weight of 10 marks out of a possible 120 marks in the examination. This is 5% of the overall unit grade.
Nursing is a challenging profession because staff nurses have to ensure safe and quality healthcare across their patients. Moreover, nurses should be competent in appraising evidence-based knowledge for ensuring evidence-based care. Nurses are an integral part of the healthcare profession and an important component of the transdisciplinary team in extending care interventions across concerned stakeholders. The present article portrayed the nursing care plan for a 49-year old female (named Kelly Malone), who suffered from a breathing problem and insomnia. The concerned individual in the case study had difficulty in performing an exercise. Kelly exhibited a history of codeine sensitivity. She was instructed to undergo ethmoidectomy.
The case study pertains to Kelly Malone. She is a 49-year old female and suffered from a breathing problem and difficulty in sleeping. The concerned individual in the case study had difficulty in performing exercise and felt fatigued. She had to breathe slowly and take deep breathes so that she did not turn dizzy. Kelly exhibited a history of codeine sensitivity that caused temperature flushes and malaise. Her detailed history suggests that she is not under any medication. Kelly Malone was instructed to undergo an ethmoidectomy by the ENT surgeon. Hence, she underwent an ethmoidectomy on the right nose. Her preoperative vitals were body temperature=36.4 degree centigrade, heart rate =69 beats/minute, RR=18 breathes/minute, blood pressure=119/70 mm Hg and sPO2 levels = 94%. Kelly was presented for post-operative care with a nasal bolster under her nose. However, she did present with moderate sanguineous ooze. Her post-operative vitals were body temperature=36.2 degree centigrade, heart rate =68 beats/minute, blood pressure=111/73 mm Hg, RR=18 breathes/minute and sPO2 levels = 93% and a pain score of 2/10. Kelly was prescribed celecoxib and tramadol for her pain relief. Moreover, she was prescribed paracetamol to prevent hyperpyrexia and inflammation.
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