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What are the Experiences and Challenges faced by trainee nurses from WSU Nursing School in their provision of Palliative care
The present paper discusses the ethical application process for research titled, 'Experiences and challenges faced by trainee nurses from WSU nursing school in the provision of palliative care'. As per the review conducted by Costa, Poles and Silva (2016), in palliative care, where the focus is driven toward improving the quality of life of the patients and not their recovery. The responsibility of the nursing professionals in such settings is to provide assistance palliative care and empathetically communicate with the patients to understand their needs (Costa et al. 2016).
It is learned that there exists a gap in the literature with respect to the specific training needs and responsibilities of the nursing professionals associated with palliative care. As per Charalambous and Kaite (2013), caring for patients with poor recovery outcomes, for example, hospice care and critical cancer patients is difficult for all nursing professionals alike. However, in the absence of any experience or training with respect to the same, the task becomes all the more taxing. In this sense, Kav et al. (2012) note that nursing professionals are often provided training for difficult conditions. However, in the absence of supervision, the care model for palliative patients become traumatic for many.
Through the present research, the relevance of the understanding experience of the nursing professionals in palliative healthcare settings is recognized, and their individual and collective challenges are studied to improve the scope of working for future professionals in this setting. The present study uses a Grounded theory research design, where a semi-structured interview and survey question will become a part of the field experiment in this analysis. Here the participants will be asked to recount their experience of the palliative care process and healthcare vulnerabilities. They will be expected to draw on the reasons for the challenges they faced, and the scope of their troubles will be recognized. This data, along with the secondary research, will provide reoccurring ideas to the researcher for the result interpretation. In this sense, a scenario-based understanding of the stress causes for the nursing profession is recognized as a variable of choice for present analysis in terms of the research method. The information regarding the same will be collected through the means of interviews and surveys. The study will use these instruments for completing primary analysis and gaining further insight through secondary research review.
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