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Assessment Two – Part A
1. Create a concept map that identifies the key themes of one capability that has impacted on you in the First Peoples Health and Practice course (3121MED). Write a reflection describing how and why this capability has had an impact on you.
2. Write a supporting paragraph (200 words maximum), in the first person, about why you chose this capability and what your perceptions are relating to this capability. No references are required for Part A.
Assessment Two – Part B
Use the Critical Reflective Framework below (adapted from Walker, Schultz & Sonn, 2014) to complete Part B of your assessment.
Critical reflection is a process to assist health professionals to develop a clearer understanding of their roles and the power relations operating within their work and to develop strategies to address the issues and concerns they are facing. As practitioners, we need to consider how our own social, cultural and professional positioning will influence the relations we have with people who seek our assistance in any context. The process of critical reflection is a powerful tool for producing new knowledge and processes, and has the potential to improve fundamental social justice outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. In reflecting on these elements, we become more conscious of the power that inheres in our own practice in order to democratise relationships, interactions and processes and to promote a culturally secure process and environment that will improve health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients and communities.
1. Defining and discuss the capability and its key themes in detail, providing examples. This means identifying issues that require further exploration and/or evaluation.
2. Reflect how your own culture, which includes your life experiences and worldview, as well as your professional culture, influences your understanding of the capability you have chosen. Further reflect how this influences your perceptions and interactions with Australia's First Peoples in health care.
3. Analyse the viewpoints and assumptions of others and the dominant cultural paradigm relating to the capability and how this influences your perceptions of and interactions with Australia's First Peoples in health care.
4. Discuss what you have learnt from this reflective process and how this might contribute to your lifelong learning
within your discipline.
Assessment Two –Part A
Create a cocept map that identifies the key themes of one capability that has impacted on you in the First Peoples Health and Practice course (3121MED). Write a reflection describing how and why this capability has had an impact on you.
A concept map helps to relate the links between different perspectives and helps to conclude a key theme related to those perspectives (Walker, Schultz, &Sonn, 2014). Hence, concept maps help to identify the focused problem or an issue. Identification of a specific issue helps to develop an action plan based on the key theme related to the issue. In the First Peoples Health and Practice course (3121MED), the key issue which has impacted me is the extension of healthcare to children belonging to the families of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. The most important capability which I recognized was 'Ensuring Cultural Competent Care'. This means a care provider should have trans-cultural competence for ensuring care amongst Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. I could arrive at such a conclusion through the creation and analysis of a concept map.
The concept map clearly indicated that the kinship structure should be included and involved in extending healthcare interventions to Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. The concept map indicated the resistance and reluctance of Aboriginals in accessing modern medicine. However, these individuals could be motivated to access modern and evidenced-based healthcare by extending culturally competent care. Hence, the values and beliefs of Aboriginals should be acknowledged before planning/extending healthcare facilities in these individuals. Experience indicates that Australia's First people could be motivated to access modern and evidenced-based healthcare by extending culturally competent care. For executing healthcare delivery, I should acquire evidence-based knowledge of Aboriginal culture and should be able to deliver person-centric care.
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