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The aim of this assignment is to gain an understanding of the multiple elements, structure and conduct of complex strategic planning processes through the critical analysis of a selected example, undertaken in conjunction with a partner to exercise collaboration and discussion to inform the analysis.
In conjunction with a partner, select a suitable example of a recent strategic planning process that involves some complexity of components, draft a project brief to guide an analysis of the processes that have undertaken, including a critical review of the process, its merits and weaknesses. Examples could be a Structure Plan or Strategy for a locality or wider area. Select a subject that can be dealt with adequately for the size of this project (the Metropolitan Planning Strategy, for example, is beyond the scope of this assignment).
The selected case study should include a level of complexity, involving multiple elements (such as tackling environmental, social and economic issues, and a significant amount of public engagement). The chosen process should be discussed with staff to confirm suitability, including your capacity to access sufficient background and contextual material to inform your critical analysis. (With current controversial or sensitive issues it may be difficult to access a full spectrum of information, so processes that have recently concluded are frequently preferable for case studies.) [Due to its scale & complexity, the recently released PlanMelbourne is not considered suitable for review within the scope of this assignment.]
The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the strategic management process and to gain understanding to its multiple elements along with its structure and conduct involved in the entire process through critical analysis. In order to meet the requirements of the assignment, the health care system of Australia would be considered and strategic planning process would be implemented in it to improve the services provided by the health care organization, hospitals and trusts. In the present scenario of the Australian health care services reflects the medical sophistication that is unable to provide effective healthcare services to the patients and thus, the service providers considers it their responsibility and accountability provide the necessary health care services demanded by the patients (Berente, 2013). With the implementation of the effective strategic planning process, the primary aim would be to identify the new mission and then formulate accordingly in order to achieve the desired objective.Critical analysis of strategic planning process:
In this particular assignment, the implementation of strategic management process would be done on the health care service system of Australia and the primary aim of the entire process would be to improve the quality of health care service. The strategic management process is considered to be an effective procedure through which the desired objective could be achieved with appropriate planning and process. With the implementation of the effective strategic management process, the internal weakness and threats of the entire health care system of Australia could be evaluated that could be used to eradicate the potential threats that come in the way of improving the quality health care system (Dinsmore, 2011). The strategic management process also enables to identify the strength and opportunities that are lying beneath the entire health care system that could be useful in improving the quality of health care services. The main advantage of the strategic management process is that it enables to evaluate what is the main aim of the process, set the standard for the desired objective and finally provides the way through which the desired objective could be achieved. Hence, after setting the desired objective, the authorities of health care organisation could take necessary steps through the desired objective could be met. A strategic management process could be defined as a course of action that enables to achieve desired objectives (Fleischmann, 2012 ). An effective strategy helps in formulating long-term objectives by balancing internal weakness and strengths along with external threats and opportunities in order to gain the desired objectives. According to some researchers, strategic management could be defined as 'the process of identifying and executing the organisational mission by matching its capabilities with the demands of its environment' (Fleming, 2012). The critical analysis of strategic management would be done by evaluating its steps involved in its entire process of work.
Source: (Fleischmann, 2012).
Therefore, it might be assumed that the strategic management process could be used in order to improve the quality of health care services in Australia as it consists of a systematic way of a process that involves several steps through which the desired objective could be met.
Critical analysis of strategic planning process:
In this particular assignment, the implementation of strategic management process would be done on the health care service system of Australia and the primary aim of the entire process would be to improve the quality of health care service. The strategic management process is considered to be an effective procedure through which the desired objective could be achieved with appropriate planning and process. With the implementation of the effective strategic management process, the internal weakness and threats of the entire health care system of Australia could be evaluated that could be used to eradicate the potential threats that come in the way of improving the quality health care system (Dinsmore, 2011). The strategic management process also enables to identify the strength and opportunities that are lying beneath the entire health care system that could be useful in improving the quality of health care services. The main advantage of the strategic management process is that it enables to evaluate what is the main aim of the process, set the standard for the desired objective and finally provides the way through which the desired objective could be achieved. Hence, after setting the desired objective, the authorities of health care organisation could take necessary steps through the desired objective could be met. A strategic management process could be defined as a course of action that enables to achieve desired objectives (Fleischmann, 2012 ). An effective strategy helps in formulating long-term objectives by balancing internal weakness and strengths along with external threats and opportunities in order to gain the desired objectives. According to some researchers, strategic management could be defined as 'the process of identifying and executing the organisational mission by matching its capabilities with the demands of its environment'
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