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(ExpertAssignmentHelp does not recommend anyone to use this sample as their own work.)
In this question, we would like you choose an extract from the HSBC video montage you have seen, or a video of your choice, and develop a lesson plan around the theme of cultural difference.
This could be for a group of students who use English to do business internationally, or alternatively you might like to aim your lesson towards a group of students going to stay in a different country for a holiday, where they will need to speak English. The choice of lesson objective and group is up to you, but we suggest you pitch your lesson at Upper-intermediate level.
Remember to say how you would use the video extract (and any other material you choose to include).
Lesson Evaluation checklist:
Is your lesson plan focused on achieving the desired goal?
Yes, the focus is quite clearly followed throughout the lesson plan. The idea of cultural differences in different occasions is displayed accurately.
Have you paid attention to time management?
Managing time could be tricky. For learners who are slow, the lesson may be extended by 15 minutes.
What is the skill that you want to achieve at the end of this plan?
Students should be able to identify and appreciate the cultural diversity in various parts of the world.
Have you mentioned the relevant skill in your aim?
Yes, the skill is mentioned in the objective of the lesson plan.
Is the lesson gripping enough to sustain the interest of the students?
Throughout the lesson, students will get suitable stimulation. As the videos are hilarious, students will be glued to them. The engagement and follow-up activities are also innovative and will definitely hold the interest of the students.
Is there any back-up activity that you have in mind?
The lesson plan itself is quite time consuming, so no back-up activity was added. However, teachers may devise some activity themselves using the base provided in the lesson plan.
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