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How is education changing in the 21st century? What are the key factors driving change in education and what is their impact on teaching and learning in the 21st century?
The advent of globalization and social changes have not only impacted the economic and political scenario across the world, but also the education and teaching practices (Stromquist & Monkman, 2014). Huge changes in educational practices and procedures have been identified in almost all institutions of teaching and education (Menand, 2013). This has made it inevitable to keep an account of the changes and understand the positive aspect of those changes, especially if one is a pre-service educator. The essay considers the above-mentioned fact, and aims at discussing all aspects of changes undergone in teaching and education from the traditional to modern times. It would also closely consider the practices followed in the industry in the 21st century and, impacts of the prime three drives of change, including technology, globalisation and social changes. Curriculum and pedagogy would be considered in particular when assessing the various changes and practices.
The growing competition, challenges and requirements of societies, have made it mandatory to bring about changes in the practices of teaching and education that forms the basis of a society. The role of a teacher is being seen in a new light, of that of a leader and a catalyst for change (Sharma, 2017). This has turned mandatory, considering the fast-moving technologies and cross-cultural students being taught by teachers. Similarly, the teaching practices have been modified as knowledge sharing has been undermined over skill transfer as per the new mode of teaching (Stronge, Grant, & Xu, 2015). The student development is the prime concern over a teacher centric classroom atmosphere (Saxena, 2013).
21st century education and teaching has not only been a transformation for the students but also for the teachers. Hence, it turns a responsibility, especially, for the pre-service educators to understand the pattern and requirements of the 21st century education. A few prominent attributes of the 21st century education revolves around the main idea that both teachers and students, vision education as lifelong learning (Delors, 2013). Personalised learning has found prominence over the autonomous learning style. Interdisciplinary learning has taken over a subject or topic specific learning. This is in view to promote the capability of skilled collaboration and innovative thinking capability among students (Sharma, 2017). At the same time teachers have found a modulated role of facilitator over that of lecturer. The concept of memorising has seen an end in the 21st century, the teachings promote application, evaluation and analysis (Beetham & Sharpe, 2013).
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