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Write a A Systematic Review on Insomnia
Background: The research focus on Insomnia. Owing to this inability to maintain an apt sleeping pattern, an individual with insomnia can develop a hyper mind state, where the brain functions are unable to recuperate owing to a lack of REM sleep, and subsequently impact the cognitive functioning of a being
Objectives: Assess guidelines for effective intervention
Data sources: Systemic review conducted on 10 research
Study eligibility criteria: studies focused on intervention of Insomnia, while associating with the aetiological factors.
Interventions: Tai- chi, Relaxation technique, medicinal intervention, behavioural modification
Results: Positive consideration of biological, physiological and environmental determinants of insomnia can provide effective guidelines for intervention and treatment
Implications of key findings: Standardization of the intervention and treatment protocols for the practitioners that deal with insomnia patients
For the purpose of this research, the topic selected was 'Insomnia'. Insomnia is recognized as a medical and a psychological state of brain, because of which an individual cannot fall asleep, or is unable to stay asleep. For a long time, insomnia has been associated with varied medical, psychological and lifestyle challenges, and even has been recognized as a side effect of some medication. Unfortunately, despite, the advancements in medicine, the condition often goes unrecognized, and becomes a cause for other ailments in the patients (Qaseem et al. 2016).
In many patients with insomnia a premature dependence to pharmaceutical drugs is also seen. It is noted that any practitioners fail to provide a comprehensive treatment to the patients, and merely provide a 'Band-Aid' solution to the problem, and ignores the aetiology behind the condition (Qaseem et al. 2016). Through the means of the present systemic review, an exhaustive analysis of the current literature on Insomnia was conducted.
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