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Introduce the Stroop effect. Describe and define what it is and explain and define Stroop Interference and congruency effect.
Stigma can be described as a barrier that prevents patients suffering from mental illnesses getting proper care or treatment. In fact, around 50%–60% of individuals having mental distress tends to avoid care or treatment because of having a fear or concern about being stigmatized. Many individuals having serious mental illness or ailment are challenged double. While on one hand, these individuals struggle with the disabilities and symptoms resulting from the mental illness. On the other hand, they tend to be challenged by various prejudice and stereotypes resulting from misconceptions regarding mental illness or disease (Park and Park, 2014). As a result, people suffering from the mental disease are robbed of various opportunities that describe a good quality life like good jobs, satisfactory healthcare, safe housing, and affiliation with different groups of people (Stigma and mental illness, 2007). The main purpose of this essay is to critically evaluate the impact of stigma in mental illness, i.e., how it influences the people and their families who are struggling with mental ailments. Various research articles and mental health website will be assessed to support the evidence of stigma and its impact.
Stigma and its impact
Individuals having a mental illness or some other mental related problems are considered to be the discriminated, stigmatized, marginalized, vulnerable, and disadvantaged members of the society. False assumptions and negative connotations connected with the illness of mental health may be as harmful as the illness itself (Whyche, 2007). Though stigmatizing attitudes or behaviours are not restricted to mental illness, the majority of the social groups seems of disapproving individuals having psychiatric disabilities or illness significantly more in comparison to the individuals having related conditions like physical illness. Unlike physical disabilities, individuals suffering from the mental disease are perceived to be in control or dominant of their disabilities by the public and are considered responsible for inducing them (Chronister, Chou, and Liao, 2013). According to social identity theory, people utilizes social constructs for labelling or judging someone who is disfavoured or different. Large groups or societies evaluate individuals for determining if they fit in the societal norms (Wang, Yin And Huang, 2013). This theory states that when individuals are dishonoured or disfavored in the eyes of the people or society, they get extremely stigmatized and forms a virtual social. This applies to the individuals having a mental illness because, mental illness in history has been regarded as a moral or character flaw (Kobau et al., 2009). Moreover, according to the theory of self-stigma individuals tends to judge themselves and this judgment can arise due to a number of messages or perceptions received from the people or societal norms (Omori, Mori and White, 2014).
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