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What are the scope of mobile phones in industry?
Prompt #1
Write What You Know: Most of us have some kind of specialized knowledge, whether we might think of that way or not. For example, how many people pay a mechanic to change the oil in their car? Maybe you know how to do that yourself. Same with home renovation and DIY repair. Or maybe you know how to make your own graphics for t-shirts, or how to ride a motorcycle. Maybe you know how to make the best brownies in the world.
Maybe not a skill that you possess So much as knowledge in a specialized area. For example, the essay that I shared with you all about Missouri changing from “pop country” to “soda country” was a chance for me to share something I’ve researched as part of my work in linguistics. Use this opportunity to explain this specialized knowledge to a general audience.
In addition to narration and description, several of the other rhetorical methods for development could prove helpful. You might use cause-and-effect analysis and comparison and contrast. You might also use process analysis if you’re explaining how to do something. You might use definition is you’re using specialized terms. In any event, you’ll probably want to use plenty of rich details and perhaps even examples to develop your paragraphs.
For prewriting, a freewrite might help you generate all the great details you know about a topic. Or you may want to use a concept map or a list to arrange the ideas that you want to cover.
Prompt #2
Do a Little Digging: In addition to our own specialized knowledge, we often come across profound ideas when we read others’ informative writing, listen to others discuss their own expertise, etc. We even often share this experience with others by, say, forwarding an article by email or posting a link on Facebook. Think of ideas and infomation that have had an impact on you in some way. Recall all you can about what you learned such a topic that interests you. Then do a little research to l) make sure what you learned is widely accepted as fact within its relevant research community and, if it is, 2) expand on what you’ve learned with, again, just a little bit of research that will help you explain, report on, or otherwise inform your audience about the topic.
The world is becoming mobile day by day and it is the reason that every mobile phone user expects all the information at their fingertips. This leads to a situation where the dependency of people on mobile phones is increasing day by day; from banking to shopping, mobile phones have become an inherent part of our lives. With the advent of smartphones and devices, this dependency is further increasing, as everyone is keen on developing some applications that can ease some aspects of the life of the users. Every person in the world is a potential customer for industry and mobility is considered to be a way to connect with the customers easily. It increases the ease of communicating and connecting one to one with the users; this is the main reason why every industry is investing big time in mobility offerings.
From simple calling and texting devices to mobile phones with smart capabilities, evolution has been huge and this change is witnessed within a span of mere 10 years (Vitale, Joe). This is not a small development, that in the past 2 years, the industry is witnessing its maturity stage and every time they have to come up with an evolutionary offering to stay competitive in the market. Smartphone capabilities and penetration of the Internet together form a potent offering that can impact everyone's life. This is becoming a prominent focus area for industries, as well, as all the companies wish to unleash the potential of e-commerce capabilities and with mobility-based enhancements, this evolution will be much more practical and applicable. The smart capabilities of phones these days have become the inherent part of company's operation and mobility solutions are capable of enhancing them as well (Little).
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