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Write a written assessment on Scenario-Based Nursing Care Plan
Part A
Problem 1
Intestinal obstruction is seen in a patient when they are unable to pass fluids and digested food from their bodies. Typically such patients lead a sedentary life, and due to the buildup of the food, gastric acid and fluids, their intestines builds pressure, which can rupture and cause infection (Murji and Sobel, 2011). Most patients of faecal or bowel obstructions are elderly and opt for laxatives as a mode of treatment (Lee-Robichaud et al. 2010), and don’t take the condition seriously. The same was evident in the present case, where Mr. Jones was found to take home remedies as a measure for the resolution of the problem until it was too late. There are primarily two types of intestinal obstructions Dynamic (where peristalsis is working against the mechanical movement) and Adynamic (peristalsis is absent) (Lee-Robichaud et al. 2010). Since there is a lack of comprehension with respect to the condition of the patient, the choice of this problem has been made. Patients with an intestinal blockage can be categorised as a small and large intestine blockages. Typically in these patients, symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, abdominal cramps and pain, as well as some degree of diarrhoea, can be seen (Murji and Sobel, 2011). However, the symptoms of the condition are so common to those with a life of inactivity, and reduced fibre diet, that the patients do not often take the condition seriously. In this sense, the diagnosis is made with radiological or CT analysis. There is a need to make the patient and his family member aware that the concurrent occurrence of intestinal blockage, as well as sedentary life, smoking and drinking history, can collectively be a precursor for colon cancer (Nejatolla and Etemad, 2016). The same has been evident with the diagnosis of rectosigmoid region’ cancer in the patient. It is reflected that the awareness of the etiology will help in improving the treatment outcome and enable optimum nursing care results for the patient.
Problem 2
The focus of the present colorectal intervention for the patient is to improve the patient outcome. In the present case, the patient has undergone Laparoscopy to remove the oncology obstructions. As per a review conducted by DeBarros and Steel (2013), there is a reduced awareness amongst the surgical staff with respect to colorectal treatment, especially the elective solutions. It is for this reason the present study completes an analysis of the surgical goals as well as the preoperative goals to improve the treatment outcome of the patient (Kehlet, 2011). In the present case, the goals of the surgery are to be least invasive, early ambulation, enabling of the oral intake, and pain control (DeBarros and Steel, 2011). Since the patient is an alcoholic, there is a need to suggest abstinence four weeks prior to the surgery for the patient (DeBarros and Steel, 2011). Furthermore, the patient is a smoker, so this cessation also becomes a criterion for the nursing professional to improve the outcome of the procedure (Soronsen, 2012). It is for the purpose of improved patient and treatment outcomes that this problem area is studied.
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