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Give a brief analysis of the different types of leadership styles used in British Airways and their impact on motivation of employees?
Chapter 01-Introduction
Motivation, leadership, employee welfare as well as ethics have become buzzwords with the development of organizational behavior (Indermun & Bayat, 2013). Keeping this a base to further work upon, the research would extend to analyze the various leadership styles used at British Airlines and how the style of leadership impacted the motivation of employees would be considered. Pieces of literature have identified the leadership styles implemented on employees, to be a strong motivator, and if wrongly implemented a demotivator, along with organizational structure and culture to impact an organization and its employees (Almansour, 2012). British Airways have shown various phases of ups and downs, and after all such phases successfully tackled, British Airways today stands among the top international airways. Many pieces of literature have brought out the fact that the leadership style implemented at British Airways is the main pillar for its success, hence the curiosity to analyze such a tremendous turnaround performance guides the research (Wei, 2010). Also, all benchmarked performances are needed to be analyzed as a support for small and medium enterprises who cannot spend a huge amount on surveys. This research document would help them to match their requirements in terms of employee motivation, organizational situation and accordingly implement the leadership.
Special consideration in segregation would be given to the six emotional leadership styles identified by Goleman (Hill, 2007). The reason for the choice lies in the identification made by Williams, the past CEO of British Airways, who identified the major leadership agenda that was missed in most turmoil situations to be 'emotionally connect with the employees' (Memon, 2014).
1.1. Research Aims
The research would aim to:
- Analyze the various different types of leadership styles implemented in British Airlines in the different phases?
- What motivational outcomes were the result of different leadership style implementation in British Airways?
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