RELT10412 - World religion - Places of Worship essay
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RELT10412 - World religion - Places of Worship essay


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Essay on Places of Worship

Students will visit and write about their observations at three places of worship, comparing and contrasting the services based on the criteria outlined. You will need to choose a service from religions or spiritualities with which you are not familiar – covering one Abrahamic, one Asian and one other service or ritual, either from a contemporary or new religious movement or a service, ritual or practice representing different modes of transcendence or the secular sacred for example, e.g. martial arts, yoga, meditation.

The task is to observe the service, the congregation/ participants and take note of the way the service is conducted. The guidelines for this process are. Note: you will need at least 8-10 academic references in your paper – and certainly more if you need them. Aim to use the supporting evidence you need, not write to the minimum number of sources. And remember do not cite sources at the end of every sentence. Your places of worship essay must be your own words and your own ideas.


In this essay, I have taken the cases of Islam, Hinduism, and Yoga that is practised in Brisbane. Keeping up with the cultural context of Australia, Brisbane also has a diverse population group, wherein almost 30% of the people were born overseas, while 2% were of indigenous origin. Several cultural, ethnic and religious groups can be found in the largest city of Queensland where it has given a home to many people. Islam, Hinduism, and Yoga are small communities in the city, but form essential ethnic groups and are given some form of decision-making power in Brisbane (Howe, L., 1984).


As a matter of fact, religion plays a very important part in the lives of humans, as many scholars have pointed out it to be an important social order in the society. As Max Weber pointed out in his famous work of Protestant Ethic and the rise of Capitalism, that religion had a very important role in shaping up the human lives. People found the motivation of generating profit and improving their lifestyle because of religion. They were of the opinion that it was the will of God, and God chooses particular people to make money, maximise their profit and achieve a better lifestyle. This mass opinion of people led to the formation of capitalism, wherein people became active and focussed on their work. This became a very important and noticeable event in the lives of human history. Before such beliefs, people did not focus on their work but only preaching and following their faith. However, after the notions of ‘will of God’ and the ‘chosen one’, people started to take their lives and work more seriously. This major event also led to the development of Catholics and Protestants in Christianity. Similarly, before governments were formed and social order was controlled by laws it was religion earlier that took control of the society. People were segregated according to their religion and beliefs and were controlled by the prophets or leaders of their religious communities. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that since societies and communities developed, religion and faith has become an indispensable need for human existence (Weber, M., 2012).

Further, other than the positive aspects that religion has led to and shaped the human societies, it has also been a cause of negative influence. With so many different religious orders in the world, existing peacefully together seems impossible now. There are religious conflicts in every part of the world, and most of the countries are divided in the context of their religions. The formation of terrorist groups such as ISIS, the breaking down of world trade centre and several other wars have all been contributed by the religious beliefs of people. According to Kurtz, the religious conflicts have maximised so much that it is being increasingly difficult to co- exist with each other. He also points out the role of sociology in understanding the state of a religious lifestyle in the globalised era.

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