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Compare and contrast definitions of recovery from the disciplines of;
1) Psychiatry,
2) psychology, and
3) mental health nursing
4) consumer generated definitions of recovery.
Analyse the lived experience accounts of recovery and experiences of recovery within the context of mental health care. Compare and contrast these experiences with the definitions from differing disciplines.
Evaluate the impact of varying definitions of recovery within the context of mental health nursing practice and make recommendations to improve nursing practice.
Compare and contrast Australian national policy and planning expectations in relation to delivering recovery oriented mental health care with the services currently being delivered in your professional area of employment and make recommendations which could lead to improved nursing practice.
Review the literature on peer led interventions and services and make recommendations for how this knowledge can be synthesised into mental health nursing practice.
Make recommendations for how you can incorporate your overall findings with your own recovery oriented nursing practice.
Introduction of 'recovery' in mental illness:
'Recovery' can be described as a unique personal journey that empowers an individual to live life with a purpose, meaning as well as hope for the future. (Introduction to Recovery 2011) The theory of recovery developed in the 1970s from movement by the consumers and has further progressed internationally by way of individuals with livid experiences. Recovery in mental illness has been described as a unique and personal journey as well as recovery as living well. The personal opinion of recovery emphasizes a personal life journey to live a meaningful and satisfying life. Recovery by living well highlights a personal process in which there is a development of new meaning and purpose in one's life that contributes to a satisfying and hopeful life irrespective of limitations caused by mental illness. Recovery is not a linear process that can be established by successful accomplishments but is a series of events combining both achievement and setbacks in the process. The three core elements, in the process of recovery are hope, agency, and opportunity. The other important components which are involved in the process of recovery are familial relationships, friends, peer groups and care providers. (Brown W & Kandirikirira 2007) In this assignment, the major topics which have been discussed are comparisons across different perspectives, analysis of livid experiences of recovery in mental health, comparison of Australian national policy regarding delivery of recovery-oriented mental health services against current practice, peer-led interventions in mental health nursing and finally recommendations to improve current recovery-oriented nursing practice.
Comparison of definitions of recovery from various perspectives with 'consumer-generated' definition of recovery:
The process of recovery is not limited to a single perspective but has implications in other fields.
Recovery in psychiatry: Recovery in psychiatry includes a deep and personal process of change of attitudes, feelings, and goals. It involves elements such as leading a life with satisfaction, hope, and purpose even in the presence of restrictions produced by the disorder. (Anthony 1993)The process of recovery in psychiatry has two components as 'clinical'and 'personal'. The clinical component of recovery indicates a decrease of symptoms of mental illness and restoration of social well-being while the personal component has an element of self-perspective and it refers to a continuous holistic process of personal evolution, determination, and therapeutic healing.
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