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You are required to write three goals which you intend to work towards achieving during your placement with children aged birth-two years. It is important to remember that these goals should focus upon your role as an early childhood teacher, rather than the children's development. Reflect upon your current practice, and choose three different areas for development.
It is recommended that goals be developed using the following SMART criteria:
* Specific – A specific goal will tell you the; who, what, where, when, and how. Since the purpose of goal setting is to remove ambiguity, it's important to know the specifics of how a goal will be achieved.
* Measurable- Teachers must have a good understanding of what 'success' may look like in terms of their own professional practice.
* Attainable – Ideal goals are ambitious but also attainable. This is an opportunity where students can build and stretch their capabilities and their knowledge.
* Relevant – These goals will inform the teacher education student's own emerging pedagogy and be relevant to their professional practice and knowledge of how young children learn.
* Timely – Please ensure that your professional experience goals can be measured within the time frame, so that your goals will be met rather than with the vague promise of still working on it.
An example goal is provided below, based upon work by a previous EPT326 student with some modifications by me. You will note in the first column, Goals, that the student has used proactive, precise language when writing her goal, and specified a timeframe ('During my placement I will …'). She has then explained why the goal is important and relevant in the Rationale. Finally, she has referred to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) and found a Graduate-level descriptor most relevant to the goal.
In the second column, Action Steps, the student has included several concise steps which are written in a logical sequence, to indicate how she will work towards achieving the goal. A minimum of four action steps are required. In the third column, Indicators of Achievement, the student has described the different forms of evidence which will demonstrate that the goal has been achieved. (It is important to compile a resource-bank of such evidence for accreditation purposes, once you graduate.) A minimum of four indicators of achievement are required. You may note the student has made reference to the ECA Code of Ethics. When writing your goals, you could also refer to this, or other key policy documents such as the EYLF and NQS, ensuring you reference these correctly.
Goals are to be written using the proforma provided here and submitted as a Word document via EASTS.
(What I want to achieve) |
Action Steps
(How I will achieve it) |
Indicators of Achievement
(How I will know I have achieved it) |
Goal 1
Goal: During my placement I will pay special attention to students with learning and physical disabilities, monitor their experiences and keep track of their progress so that I can learn to follow an all-inclusive teaching methodologies that does not harbour any discriminatory practices with students on the basis of physical or mental differences. Rationale: This goal is important because students with disabilities not only require special classroom conditions that convey accommodation but also pedagogical practices that highlight the diversity of their issues.
APST: 1.6.1 Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements and teaching strategies that support participation and learning of students with disability. |
(What I want to achieve) |
Action Steps
(How I will achieve it) |
Indicators of Achievement
(How I will know I have achieved it) |
Goal 2
Goal: During my placement I will Rationale: This goal is important because children spend most of their time with their parents and therefore, including parents in the educational process will provide them with the right direction and equipment to guide their children towards the best learning abilities.
APST: 3.7.1 Describe a broad range of strategies for involving parents/carers in the educative process. |
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