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After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 1 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment. Assignment overview This assignment requires you to tell a story that articulates your views about learning. You should tell this story in the most interesting, creative way you are able. This presentation will be told using a narrative that is either real or imagined. This means you can tell a story that reflects your learning experiences, those of someone you know, or, you can make up a fictitious story that answers the key questions. You can illustrate your narrative with pictures and images such as you might do when creating a picture book. This is not a story written for children, but of course could be about children’s learning. These are your own views, not those of others, nor is it to be dominated by what the literature says on the topics. Be sure to articulate clearly who and what informs your views. These will include: people around you including current and former teachers literature you have read on the subject your life experiences in both formal and informal educational settings. Related learning outcomes This assignment is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes: Recognise and explain why learning is a complex concept. Describe what is meant by learning theories and articulate their benefits and limitations. Assignment details This is an individual assignment in which you need to do the following: Create a presentation (the equivalent of 1000 words) in a Word document. Develop a story that depicts your understanding and experience of ‘learning’ and what is meant by ‘learning theories’. You do not need to use learning theories, although you can if you choose, but rather show an understanding of what they are and their purpose in learning. Make sure your story highlights the links between learning and experience. Illustrate your story with images and illustrations. Provide a written description that states who or what has informed your beliefs with a minimum or six sources or references.
Create an engaging presentation containing clear and relevant information.
Create a narrative that expresses your view and experience of learning.
Recognition and description of the complexities of learning and learning theories.
Reference to relevant readings and resources.
Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Criteria No Pass Pass
50-59% Credit
60-69% Distinction
70-79% High Distinction
Create an engaging presentation containing clear and relevant information.
(20%) Did not meet criterion. Acceptable standard of presentation with clear communication. Good standard of presentation, with clear communication. High standard of presentation, excellent communication of ideas with a good connection to the learning materials. Excellent standard of presentation, outstanding communication of ideas and strong connection to the learning materials.
Create a narrative that expresses your view and experience of learning.
(30%) Did not meet criterion. Basic narrative expression of your views. Narrative clearly articulates your views. Narrative clearly articulates your views with relevant experiential examples. Narrative clearly articulates your views with relevant experiential examples and the origins have been identified.
Recognition and description of the complexities of learning and learning theories.
(30%) Did not meet criterion. Basic connections between learning and practice. Good linkage between whom and what had informed your ideas about learning supported by relevant examples. Excellent linkage between whom and what had informed your ideas about learning, supported by strong examples and an understanding of complexity. Outstanding linkage between whom and what had informed your ideas about learning, supported by clear and strong examples and relevant literature about theories and complexity of the learning
By completing this activity, you’ll begin to develop an understanding of of 21st century teaching and learning within the Australian Curriculum and identify key factors that drive change in education which contributes to Assignment 1B: Essay.
This activity supports unit learning outcomes 1 and 5.
Step 1: Watch the video from the beginning of the week (Christopher Pyne says falling results demand school curriculum review (ABC, 2014). (7 minutes)
Christopher Pyne says falling results demand school curriculum review (2014)
Step 2: Imagine that you’ve been enlisted to be on the review panel.
What criteria should be used in reviewing the curriculum?
What three things do you think should underpin all curriculums?
Choose one of the following perspectives:
business person
educational leader. (5 minutes)
Step 3: Post 2-3 sentences explaining which aspects of the curriculum are most important to you in this role. List some key factors that influence curriculum from this particular perspective? (10 minutes)
Step 4: Reply to someone’s response that discusses a different perspective from yours. Consider the factors listed, which one do you believe is the stronger influencer? Why? (5 minutes)
Please complete this task by 5pm on the Friday of Week 4.
After successfully completing this unit, you should be able to:
define 21st century teaching and learning and describe some of the key factors that are changing education in the 21st century
compare and contrast traditional teaching and learning practice with 'new learning' practices
examine the use of new technologies for teaching and learning
recognise how globalisation and social change is impacting on education
explain how curriculum and pedagogy is changing in the 21st century
recognise the importance of internal and external partnerships in education.
Fiona McKinnon – eLA 24 Nov. 2017 8:18 pm
The ABC link above is not working. In the meantime, please watch this clip:
Christopher Pyne details national curriculum review
I remembered the day in my medical college when I was placed as an intern in the hospital setting. I was taking bedside rounds during my night duty when an event happened that changed my life and perspectives towards learning and development. During my clinical rounds inside the clinical facility, I encountered an elderly patient who was breathing badly probably due to oxygen insufficiency. I investigated the matter and found that the patient was experiencing terminal illness and had limited time left for survival. The increasing oxygen demand and the absence of an experienced physician at night time resulted in a panic situation. The healthcare staff at that point in time initially tried to access the patient and provide some medical aid including oxygen administration. However, due to absence of knowledge regarding handling the complex clinical scenarios the junior healthcare staff failed to assist the patient in relieving his adverse condition. However, at the same time I saw a senior nurse professional who received information regarding the medical emergency and rushed to the patient's place for evaluating his condition. The nurse effectively recorded the signs and symptoms of the asphyxiating patient and paid attention to the breathing difficulty for identifying its immediate cause in the context of its earliest mitigation.
The nurse professional found that despite difficulty in breathing the patient was in a resistive mood and unwilling to accept any treatment in a condition when no one from his family was available at the bedside. The nurse professional despite her limited clinical knowledge attempted to prepare a concept map while gathering the external and internal factors that were apparently affecting the patient. She quickly penned down the symptoms, signs, communication pattern of patient, vitals, environmental constraints and family support requirements of the patient in form of annotations and abbreviations before taking the first mitigative action. This scenario was proving to be a learning experience for the nurse professional. Evidence-based literature advocates the requirement of utilizing the concept map as an effective learning tool for skill improvement with the objective of handling the complex real-life situations (Novak & Cañas, 2008). The nurse professional meaningfully created the concept map for systematically understanding the patient condition for further action. The nurse professional tried to connect with the patient in a systematic manner while utilizing the attributes of constructivism, cognitivism and behaviourism. The state of panic created due to the deteriorating condition of the patient as well as his non-cooperation with the medical team required the administration of empathy and utilization of cognitive skills to assist him in overcoming his critical condition.
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