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Please write a 1000 word essay about Podcasting:
Write a short individual reflective essay discussing the process and production of the podcast. Your reflection should include:
• Describe the students you had in mind and what you believed their learning goals/needs would be with regard to your podcast.
(The targeted students in my podcast are; university students at preparatory year- their level is low-to intermediate)
• Describe your most influential experiences and references/readings that informed the design & development of your podcast?
(You can write anything here that may reflect my experience in making the podcasting)
• Describe what you have learnt as a result of the process (from evaluating the technology in relation to the language skill/area(s) to producing the podcast)?
(Also here, you can write anything related to podcasting and to the process of making a podcast, I will add the transcript of my podcast)
- As I said the students are university preparatory year student. From Saudi Arabia.
- I used the program Audacity in making the podcast.
- Please read the attached essay as an example to follow, don't use the same references because this is my friend's essay, don't paraphrase it, just look at it as an example.
I will attach the task description and criteria (Please read it carefully)
The emergence of technology and digitalization has paved way to improve the education experience for the early learners. The presence of digital media as an assistive learning aid, allows the ease of access to the learners at one point (Kavaliauskienė and Anusienė, 2009). While, at another it allows the educator to enhance the scope of lesson outcome through the use of 'Student friendly' medium. In the recent years, the emergence of web-based learning tools such as podcast has been recognized for their effective learning outcomes (Jain and Hashmi, 2013). A podcast is an audio file which is easily downloadable, and allows an ease of learning to the students through listening, both within and beyond the classroom (Kavaliauskienė and Anusienė, 2009).
In the context of a language-based class the relevance of this tool is further accentuated, since, the podcast is self-directive in its nature, because of which a learner can learn at their own pace (Farshi and Mohammadi, 2013). A podcast allows the learners with a chance to pause the audio at any point, because of which their learning outcomes increased. This is an English as a second language learner (ESL learner) class, where the students are at the university preparatory year student, and belong to Saudi Arabia. The podcasting tool- Audacity was used. Through the use of a podcast in the present context, the educator has strived to facilitate improved listening and communication skills in English language for the learners, and also allowed them with a chance to actively conduct an interaction in a new language (Kavaliauskienė and Anusienė, 2009).
Here the students are expected to strike a conversation with each other about any university activity, and record the same. Through this exercise, the verbal skills of the students with ESL background will improve. At the end of the lesson, the student will enhance their ability of transferring their thoughts in a different language, and hence, will facilitate a cognitive improvement. The listeners of this podcast will further enhance their English vocabulary (Farshi and Mohammadi, 2013). Lastly, the students are expected to enhance their aptitude for assessing meaning of the verbal communication in a different language, and gain confidence to communicate with ease with their non-ESL as well as ESL peers (Jain and Hashmi, 2013).
In the recent years many educators have used podcast tools for the purpose of classroom learning. Podcasts are student friendly, and allows the learners to not just gather theoretical knowledge, but also enable application based learning for them (Farshi and Mohammadi, 2013). In their review I-teach (2010), argues that podcast offer individuality and independence to the learning outcome, which further enhances the student motivation. Furthermore, it allows the educator to manage the learning and promotion a collaborative study environment. As per Jain and Hashmi (2013), learning a foreign language is much more than the learning of few rules, but is also about practice. Through the use of a podcast, the ESL students can gain insights with respect to the idiomatic expressions, chance to learn about the grammar and vocabulary through application, and develop their communicative and listening skills (DOTS, 2011; Jain and Hashmi, 2013).
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