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Using essay format and structure, develop a personal leadership model with reference to at least three (3) major areas of leadership (e.g. ethics, multiculturalism, teamwork, philosophy, psychology, power, leadership theory, management). Refer to the examples and instructions provided in the textbook for guidance and apply the following guidelines to your leadership model:
- Explain the main organizing idea or issue in your leadership model? E.G. credibility, vision, traits, relationships, etc.
- Describe what you consider to be the most important traits, skills and tasks of an effective leader.
- Explain the core values that your leadership model emphasises.
- Explain how the relationships in the organisation/group that exist will benefit as a result of using your leadership model.
- Describe the culture of the organization/group that would exist if your model was used.
- Explain what the leadership practiced in your model is seeking to achieve?
- Explain why your leadership model is different than what currently exists? If it is not different, explain why you have elected for the status quo.
- Explain how you will personally apply your leadership model.
Topic orientation
Leadership is vital for the success of any endeavour, and within the organisational framework, its presence can be equated with sustainability. Each individual has to take charge in their personal life. However, for managers, this responsibility is even more pronounced, as they become responsible for things beyond the self. There are so many leadership models at bay that it often becomes difficult for new pioneers to choose which leadership model they will practice. Furthermore, Luisser and Achua (2015), reflect that often leadership styles studied theoretically are outdated or incomplete for practical application and not relevant for the individual, organisational structure. Ideally, a leadership model for an organisation should be considerate of the external and internal environmental factors and align the values of a leader for optimised results (Kezar, 2008). With this in mind, it is reflected that there is a need to rethink leadership in its totality and develop a 'personal leadership model' to improve self and then the organisation.
Definition of key terms
“Personal leadership” addresses the ethical, psychological and technical skills of a leader and reflect upon its impact on the organisational leadership behaviour and skills of a being (Figliuolo, 2011).
Statement of purpose
In their review, Scouler (2011) reflected that every individual is a leader as well as a follower. Through the means of the present reflection, I will assess my personal leadership model and assess my weakness as well as strengths. As a leader of tomorrow, I will bring not just my skill set but my leadership traits to an organisation. Through the means of this review, I will assess my core values and core objectives to reflect what I will bring to the organisations.
Outline of intentions
Through the means of the present review, I will explain the issue as well as the strengths of my personal leadership model. Through this analysis, I will also reflect upon the leadership traits and skills in totality and will conclude what skills I will bring to the organisation. Every individual has a trait that shines in a particular environment and diminishes in others (Scouler, 2011). It is for this reason as well that the present research will help me in assessing the most probable culture in which my leadership skills will flourish. This reflection functions as a core assessment of the individual, through which I will gain insight with respect to my leadership model in terms of a variety of other leadership models.
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