Environmental Sustainability Report 2020
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Environmental Sustainability Report 2020


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In this final assignment you are asked to reflect on your experiences during this entire unit (using first person “I”).  Reflecting on the theories from the modules and how this unit has influenced your professional and personal development. 

I recommend you re-read the weekly Modules as you reflect back over the unit.  This will help you choose just one or two good examples of your learning in this unit to detail in your essay.  I give a lot of advice in the Collaborate session. 

I understand that not everyone was able to attend our Collaborate session last night.  Please take the time to view the Collaborate recording (click here) in the next few days, as this will help you develop your Assignment 4 to be the best it can be. Here is a pdf of the Collaborate ppt (click here). 

Please read the Assignment details (click here) where this recommended structure has been given to you, as well as the Assignment Criteria you will be marked on. Read the advice in the Student Portal on essay writing (PEEL / TEEL paragraphing).



Emerging internet technologies have created an “anywhere and anytime” learning environment which has allowed the universities like Swinbourne to deliver courses to learners who are unable to attend traditional classroom-based education due to personal and professional commitments (Yukselturk & Bulut 2007). I am one such online learner who has opted for this program to enhance my skillset and progress in my teaching career. In this essay, I reflect upon how the unit COM10003: Learning and Communicating Online has played a crucial role in changing my areas of expertise, knowledge of the online environment and unit and course goals. I expect that the learning in this unit will play a vital role in my future professional growth.


Changes in my Areas of Expertise

I am an experienced educator with over ten years of experience in teaching children in the age group of 3-5 years. I hold an undergraduate degree specializing in education from India through the traditional classroom method. My aspiration is to become a primary level educator in Australia. My principle is to light the way for students and guide them to reach greater heights. To achieve this, I have to be a continuous learner and dedicate myself to developing competency in the teaching profession (JFF & CCSSO 2015). As of now, my primary mode of instruction is the face-to-face situation. My area of expertise is early childhood and growing up with a focus on Indian society. I adopt creative forms to engage children during the classroom sessions to create a multisensory appeal (Burnard 2017). During my tenure, I have noted a shift in the learning paradigm from classroom based to computer-based. For instance, my Indian employer encouraged the use of smart classes, which used educational software to engage students for subject-specific learning. This has increased my interest in different modes of education.

As I began to practice in Western countries, I observed that digitization of the education field is prominent. This increased the need for me to overcome cultural differences and improve competencies to cope up with digital innovation (Scott 2015). This motivated me to undertake an online course and hold first-hand experience in online learning. Through this unit, I have learnt how to utilize online resources and contribute effectively to learning. For my content to be reliable, I have to ensure academic integrity, usage of reliable data sources to suffice my arguments, collaborate in the online forum and acknowledge the views of others. This unit has been an eye-opener for me as it has changed my perspective of education from a traditional one to online collaborative classrooms.

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