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TEAP Assignment 2: Pedagogic Portfolio
There are two parts to this assignment. You must complete both.
Begin by reading very carefully through these detailed notes.
You will be given additional support in lectures,readings in training education & assessment
PART 1: Lesson preparation for a reading-to-learn lesson
Prepare for a Reading- to-Learn lesson relevant to a chosen context in which you are teaching English for specific academic purposes.
- a) Choosing a text
What kind of text should I choose?
Your chosen text has to be one that addresses some important content (knowledge) that the students have to understand and be able to write about.
And your chosen text has to one that your students will find challenging. In other words it has to be a text that the majority of students cannot read independently with full comprehension.
How long should this text be?
You can choose a text of any size to begin with – BUT – then you will need to choose a segment of a longer text to be the passage you will focus on for the detailed reading – note-making – and rewriting from notes activities.
This segment will be one or two paragraphs (about 150 to 200 words roughly – but make sure it is either one or two complete paragraphs; don’t break a paragraph in half).
- b) Preparing for teaching
Read the whole text yourself so you know what it is about, and how your segment fits into the whole.
Read the chose segment of the text carefully yourself. Identify the main ideas and how the segment unfolds – how it is organized.
Prepare a spoken summary of the text in readiness for preparing your students for what they will be reading in detail. Do this by recording yourself while you explain this to an imagined group of the target students. Then transcribe what you said. You may need several practice goes at this.
Then do the same step as above for each sentence – sentence by sentence through the chosen segment of text.
Make sure you keep your final transcribed spoken summaries to include in your assignment
Your next step in preparation is to work out what meanings you are going to ask the students to underline as you work through the detailed reading stage of the lesson.
For each underlined wording in the text you will need to provide your students with a spoken version of the meanings of the wordings and some clue to locate the correct wordings.
Write yourself notes on what you will say at each point as you guide the students to find the wordings in the text that correspond to your clues.
PART 2: Online teaching and learning of EAP
- Search the internet for online resources for teaching EAP.
Choose one site that you find interesting or useful.
- Write a short text (about 1000 words) to discuss your choice.
- Introduce and provide a summary description of your choice, including whether it takes a general or specific approach to EAP. (Include the URL of the site, and some captures of pages)
- Explains why you have chosen this text, and what you see as potential strengths and weaknesses in the design in relation to a) your target students and b) the online mode of interaction.
- Briefly summarise (in 2 or 3 paragraphs) what the literature has to say about advantages and disadvantages of online teaching and learning in relation to face-to-face teaching and learning EAP. (Refer to at least 4 source texts).
- Conclude with commentary on how your chosen site sits in relation to the advantages and disadvantages discussed in the literature.
Asynchronous online discussions, commonly used in higher education contexts, are predicated on the collaborative construction of knowledge in a supportive community of learners. Despite early positive evaluations, researchers have more recently identified amongst students a failure to learn and dissatisfaction with participation in these environments. To better understand and address these failures, this study explores the linguistic enactment of community in online interaction, specifically moderator strategies, using a discourse analytical approach informed by the Systemic Functional Linguistics. The analysis identifies a range of strategies which confirm, bring into question, and go beyond those commonly described in the literature. Significantly, the much attitudinal meaning is invoked (implicit) rather than inscribed (explicit), the interpersonal grammatical metaphor is widely used and ENGAGEMENT: expand is common, opening the discussion to other views and voices. This raises issues of clarity and certainty, suggesting there may be an inherent contradiction between community maintenance and the development of ideational meaning.
Purpose of Choice
This text would be difficult for learners who are just entering the world of higher studies. This paragraph entails a few concepts of linguistic communication, used in online education processes, which, to be understood by students, require the help of a teacher. The concepts like implicit and explicit meaning of a sentence also includes metaphorical descriptions which students might not be able to comprehend. Also, this paragraph contains vital knowledge about a very big reason for failure in students, which happens due to the lack of understanding of the language. Hence this approach needs teachers and students to use the communicative approach to teaching language by making use of the pragmatic meanings of sentences or the implicit meanings rather than using the explicit or overall meaning of sentences.
Preparing the Students (for the students)
An excerpt of text from, 'Building community in an online discussion: a case study of moderator strategies', by Lander will be studying today. It will help us understand the reason for the failures in the process, we study English in online methods. Researchers had previously thought that studying English by online methods, including video based tuitions, online media classes and so on are creating positive reinforcements in the process of learning English but later it was found out that some basic portions of learning English were lacking from such procedures and the students who were enrolled in such procedures are slowly losing patience and dropping out. Hence, to make the processes full proof, the participation of the linguistic community will be looked into. It will also help us focus on a method to design a better approach towards studying English. We make the mistake of studying English according to the meaning we see on the surface of sentences, considering that we are new learners, but the fact that we have chosen English as the language for an academic purpose needs further understanding of the language. We need to understand the situational meanings of statements and how to frame certain sentences depending on situations. A conversation can have different social values in different social contexts. This excerpt describes an approach in which the participation of the linguistic community is studied in academics to understand the most used methods in coping with academics and English. The linguistic community uses English fin various methods and these methods have been systematically studied to understand the efficacy of these methods. The best methods will be later decided and hand-picked so that we can have an insight into where we are wrong and may change our strategies to reach our goal.
Line by line Meaning
Line by line meanings is given below with the bullet points denoting the line number.
- The concept of online education, used for higher education, is based on the fact that online education uses an archetypal knowledge bank when approaching prospective students for the process of education. We need to understand that online education is based on collaborative knowledge which has been extracted from a huge group of learners just like you and me who are also striving to attain their goals of learning English.
- Researchers and linguists primarily thought that the method of online education was helping students because it was using much more faculties of the brain to make an all-round experience of learning, but soon they found out that this learning procedure had a weakness and that students were finding it difficult to learn. As a result, the students were getting bored and dropping out of the procedure.
- To understand the reason for the failures, researchers primarily have to study the participation of the linguistic community in mass discussions online and the patterns of normal use. Further, a systematic breakdown of the processes used in online interactions being studied can also reveal the reasons for this procedure failing against normal day to day classroom education techniques. Researchers also study how moderators help shape the discussions and discourses in a systematic functional assessment technique.
- Very thorough studies are made in the methods used in online interaction. These studies include understanding the implicit meaning of conversations regarding similar issues as well. The process of analysis questions each method being used in online interactions and then finds the merits and demerits of each procedure to be discussed later on. It also spots the strategies being used by the masses for online interaction.
- The process of studying the interactions includes understanding the attitudinal approaches in them. This means that for the researchers understand the actual meaning of the interactions being made, the underlying meaning of each sentence and discourse has to be understood, rather than understanding what the implied meaning of the discourses is. Communications made by normal people in everyday situations are also best understood in their pragmatic sense or in the social context they are being used. This includes understanding interpersonal grammar, or the understanding of the usage of grammar differing from person to person. These discourses being studied, opens a vista of discussions on them, relating to online interactions and study procedures.
- Now we come to the part of the excerpt where we have to decide the reason for the failures by understanding the underlying meaning of the mass online interactions and linguistic patterns used in them. It has been understood that there is a problem in communicating online, which is not present in offline procedures due to reasons which need to be researched further. We can discern that the usage of such online interactions can be used to help English for such purposes evolve.
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