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Section 1 – Audit Topic 200 words
Clear identification of audit topic, the clinical setting and documentation to which the audit was applied.
Excellent discussion of the audit topic and its relationship to the documentation.
Audit : Blood transfusion record
Audit tool : Modified Blood Audit Tool from NSQH
Clinical setting: Heamodialysis – tertiary hospital
Nurse to patient ratio : 1:3
Section 2 – National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQH) – Standard 7 400 words
Excellent discussion of the significance of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. The relevant standard and sub-standard/s are identified and also are clearly discussed with supporting evidence in relation to the Audit topic.
Section 3 – Patient Safety 400 words
Excellent discussion of patient safety, specifically related to the chosen audit topic and backed up with relevant evidence
Section 4 – References (7 including one at the bottom)
An excellently planned assessment with excellent quality of writing and excellent use of APA referencing throughout including reference list.
Section 1: Audit Topic
A nursing audit is an evaluation of the patient record that has been intended to recognise, scrutinise, or validate the enactment of the convinced quantified aspects of nursing care by using a conventional criterion (Cole et al., 2014).A synchronised nursing audit is required to perform during the time of enduring nursing care. It has been viewed that a reflective nursing audit has been executed after discharging from the care capacity by using the patient’s record. In this current context, the selected chart which, requires to be audited is the Blood transfusion record. In order to conduct the auditing process, Haemodialysis – tertiary hospital has been considered as the clinical setting. In this regards, the audit tool that has been used is the Modified Blood Audit Tool from NSQH. In this chosen clinical setting, Haemodialysis – the tertiary hospital has 12 beds with a maximum of 12 patients who entail close monitoring. As per the given data, it has been identified that nurse to patient ratio is1:3while maintaining a nursing audit. The patients in this hospital have been prescribed numerous medicines so that the patients got reprieved from the illness. A standard process of nursing services has been utilised to preserve a strong auditing system by evaluating the patient's record.
Section 2: National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQH) – Standard 7
The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) has been developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality (, 2016). The key intentions of the NSQHS Standards are to defend the communal from severe harm so that improved service and the quality of care can be provided by the health service organisations (Reed, 2013). The Commission has developed Safety and Quality Improvement Guides for each of the 10 NSQHS Standards. In this regards, Cole et al. (2014) added that these guidelines support the entire health service organisations to support the process of quality improvement programs in nursing by using a framework of the NSQHS Standards. As per the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, the aim of Standard 7 is to certify secure, stable, active and competent blood management systems for the local community (, 2017). The guideline of Standard 7 includes the following:
- Health service organisations have governance all the frameworks that need to set up for the secured and suitable endorsing and scientific use of blood and blood items.
- The clinical workers precisely record a patient’s blood and blood product transfusion history and signs for usage of blood and blood products.
- Health service organisations have the systems to obtain, store, conveyance and observe the wastage of blood and blood products carefully and proficiently.
- Patients are well-versed about the possibilities and aids of expanding the blood and blood products and the obtainable substitutes when a plan for action is established.
It is clear that Standard 7 has been developed to confirm that patients could receive blood and blood products properly as well as carefully (Robinson, 2013). Documenting the patient records for further usage is the main motto to support the health service. The role of clinicians in Standard 7 is to make the health system safe and effectively to enhance the safety and quality of the communal healthcare system. In addition, in this standard, the non-clinical workers need to deliver active participation in implementing the safety system, on the other hand, the managers in the health care services contribute to maintaining a strong system, good resources and training so that a safe, effective and reliable health care system can be delivered to the society (Naylor, 2015). Moreover, this standard is also responsible for managing and preserving of patients' blood to ease the necessity for a blood transfusion.
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