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Jack Welch
As a group, research, evaluate and write an essay on the leader selected (1000 words each) addressing the following questions:
What kind of leader is the individual?
Describe the individual's leadership style
Describe the individual's communication style
Is this leader ethical? Why or why not?
Do you respect him or her? Why or why not?
How effective do you consider the leader to be or to have been? Explain why you answered the way you did.
As individuals, provide feedback on the group-work process addressing the following questions:
How well did your team work together?
What were the pros and cons of working as a team on this project?
How would the outcome have differed had this been an individual assignment?
How did what you have learned about teams and teamwork shape your understanding of this project?
Jack Welch was one of the most successful leaders with an enormous love towards people, passion for winning, and an unparalleled desire to change the way the world works. His way of work is commonly called The Welch Way. Basically, his vision and way of leadership are referred to as a transformational form of leadership that was a game changer in his time when he joined as the head of GE.
He was born in a middle-class family in Massachusetts. He studies from the University of Massachusetts and did his PhD from the University of Illinois in Chemical Engineering. He became a part of GE at an early age of 24 and worked under various divisions to rise to the position of CEO at the age of 45.
About Jack Welch
Jack Welch was the chairman and CEO of American company General Electric between the year 1981 and 2001. He is considered one of the greatest leaders of his times and was named as the 'Manager of the century' by Fortune Magazine (Carter, 2013). It was during his tenure as the CEO of General Electric, the company's value rose to around 4000% (Shriberg, 2010). He was an incremental type of leader who believed in maintaining the organisation’s stability and allowed the organisation to flourish over time (Carter, et al., 2013). He believed in strengthening the organisation by constantly adapting to changes. He always used to motivate the managers pushing them to be more productive. He believed that the employees work better if the management on how things are does not direct them to be done. Thus gave many opportunities to the employees to develop (Shin, 2012). Jack Welch had an attitude of handsomely rewarding the top performers.
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