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Write a clear and brief overview of the key points covered in the Business Plan, including background information, proposal outline and desired outcomes, investment requirement, cost-benefit analysis, ROI and evaluation?
The following report outlines a business case to implement a program in order to alter the current leave policy of a restaurant/food reviews and delivery service firm. The proposal presents a case to eliminate the restricted leave system and change it to an unlimited paid time-off as per employee's flexibility. This way the case intends to achieve lower attrition figures, increased job satisfaction, higher productivity, positive branding in the industry as well as improved brand loyalty from an employee. This way the company will also send out a communication to acknowledge an employee's personal preferences, trust him/her on using the system judiciously and looking at everyone from a holistic view.
The major investments here would just be the training costs to spread the new message, IT implementation costs and some opportunity costs lost in implementing the system. However, the outcomes highlighted can be converted to monetary terms to achieve an ROI as high as 85%. The case proposes to employ a pilot project for a year and then based on the results and difference of leaves taken by employees in the year, the future course of action can be decided. The evaluation plan is a half-yearly system wherein the first six months can check if something goes wrong.
The organisation here is a restaurant and food review/delivery service provider, which came into existence about 7 years ago. The current culture of the company is quite young with an average age of employees hovering around 29. To foster this young and dynamic culture, the human resources department has designed all policies that inculcate a sense of freedom for every employee.
However, one of the policies has been lately criticised and said to be against this culture of the company. As per policies, an employee can be accounted for only a specific number of leaves in a financial year. With changing times, various teams have been of the opinion that as long as the leaves can be planned in advance, allocated work is taken care of; employees should be given a right to have their personal time. Any negatives left in the company's policy system have a risk of a weak human resource planning and hence an unproductive management activity. Instead, it needs to be recognized as a key ingredient in long-term strategic planning for the company business (Nkomo, 1988). In fact, the resource-based view suggests that an organization's success is hugely steered by resources that carry exceptional characteristics (Galbreath, 2005).
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