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Drawing on your own personal experience, write a mini case-study (max 1500 words) on one of the following OB-related topics:
- When Teamwork failed to meet its objective
- The appropriate use of power in the workplace
- Organisational Change
Following the case-study, two questions should be posed which encourage the reader to examine and analyse different aspects of the case in close detail. Students should also provide a brief 200-300 word example answer for each question in order to demonstrate the potential learning outcomes of the case.
An organization creates value by using its resources to the most optimum level and produce the maximum output (MLA Jones, 2010). The biggest IT services firm in India once; Q2Solutions (Q2S) had now been facing constant bad figures since the last 10 quarters. Most of the senior officials and key customer accounts were gone. The employees, as well as shareholders, had lost their faith in the organization. It had already lost about 16% of its market cap. The board members, who stayed, were still wondering if they could find a new anchor to save the ship. That's when Q2S decided to bring about a change that the company had never seen in the past.
All the CEOs that the company had seen so far were either co-founder or had a key role to play in the company's inception. What the board was going to do now could have been the final nail in the coffin for Q2S. Michael Gellar, who was a member at the executive board of a Swedish company, graduate from Michigan Institute of Technology and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence was approached to take over as the CEO of Q2S. Not only was Michael new to the Q2S culture but also unaware of the Indian IT diaspora. Though extremely qualified, this new position was more than just a challenge for him as well as all the stakeholders.
Michael knew that he needed to bring in positive sentiment in the company. This could not have been possible without valuing the most important assets of the company – its people (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 2002). Change can come as planned or unplanned, recurrent or unprecedented, and incremental or radical (Poole & Van de Ven, 2004). He wanted to bring in a change so that he gains back the confidence of the internal stakeholders first. One of the biggest issues that the company was facing was the recognition of talent. About 14 top-level executives left the company between 2014 and 2015 for better career opportunities. As soon as Michael joined, he was determined to make Q2S as one of the most desirable places to work. He announced about 4000 promotions in the first week of his joining. The company had 1,80,000 employees as of March 2015. Michael saw this huge number as a strength and wanted to capitalize on the same. In the coming months, he started a program to invite innovative ideas across the organization. To acknowledge the same, about 12 ideas were indeed taken up and incorporated in projects by the top management. The idea was to instil confidence in people that no matter what their designation is in the company, they shall get their due recognition in time. Michael also removed the formal dress code from the company policies and allowed people to be in casuals every day. It only mattered that employees were comfortable at work and thus the most productive. Gellar's abilities to empathize and providing a direction to the employees were very important factors to bring down the attrition rate for Q2S.
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