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This assessment asks you to produce an informational poster addressing a patient safety issue, identified from clinical practice placement, drawing upon evidence and using a structured inquiry-based learning approach. Your ability to define a practice-based practice issue, seek and appraise relevant evidence to address this issue, and synthesise this evidence to establish ecommendations for practice will be assessed. The assessment addresses key components and skills developed during this unit, which relate directly to your ability as future registered nurses to think critically about the patient care you deliver, to identify clinical questions for investigation, and your ability to ensure the care you deliver is based upon sound evidence.
Discuss the strategies you would use to implement the recommendations into the practice area, considering the specific context of the practice area and the potential barriers and enablers to implementation
Evidence-based findings advocate the requirement of utilizing various improvement measures as well as qualitative healthcare interventions for reducing the pattern of nosocomial infections in the intensive care units as well as hospital settings (Vandijck, Labeau, Vogelaers, & Blot, 2010). The physicians, nurses and members of the paramedical team must undertake various education sessions with the objective of improving their awareness regarding the utilization of various evidence-based intervention for controlling the establishment of hospital acquired infections and associated outcomes. The deployment of various health and hygiene measures is necessarily warranted for reducing the risk of contamination of hospital equipment and associated transmission of infectious processes across the hospital environment. The hospital settings must configure and deploy effective policies and conventions for implementing the systematic healthcare plans warranted for reducing the prevalence of nosocomial infections in the treated patients as well as members of the healthcare teams (Saxena & Mani, 2014). The healthcare teams require practicing various patient-centred approaches while considering the entire risk factors that might predispose the patients in terms of developing healthcare related infections in the hospital settings.
The healthcare teams who directly handle the patient care processes require utilizing alcohol based hand sanitizers for reducing the transmission of infectious microorganisms to the treated patients (Ramasethu, 2017). Similarly, infectious microbes from admitted patients would not transfer to the healthy members of the healthcare teams after systematic utilization of sanitizer intervention. The research analysis by (Di, Cammilletti, Petrelli, & Di, 2015) advocates the utilization of disinfectant gel and protective gloves for reducing the transmission of infectious microbes between healthcare professionals and the treated patients in the hospital settings.
Patients predisposed to the acquisition of nosocomial infection by gram negative microbes require systematically selecting antimicrobial regimen with the objective of reducing their risk of developing the pattern of debilitating respiratory and urinary tract infections in the hospital setting (Peleg & Hooper, 2010). The antibiotic combinations require selection in a manner to reduce the risk of development of antibiotic resistance in the treated patients. The healthcare teams require evaluating the risk factors experienced by the surgery candidates in terms of acquiring the pattern of surgery site infections during the post-operative period (Heydarpour, Rahmani, Heydarpour, & Asadmobini, 2017). Accordingly, medical teams could plan the administration of pharmacotherapeutic interventions for reducing the level and frequency of surgery site infections in the hospital settings. The healthcare teams require evaluating the immune systems of the patient population in the hospital settings with the objective of determining their risk of acquiring opportunistic infections (Mehta, et al., 2014). Accordingly, hospital teams could recommend appropriate antibiotic stewardship measures requiring patient-centred administration for controlling the prevalence of hospital-acquired infections in the hospital settings. The hospital management teams must deploy systematic administrative conventions in concordance with the evidence-based guidelines for reducing the length of patient stay in the intensive care unit as well as the inpatient setting. Eventually, this will substantially reduce the risk of the treated patients in terms of acquiring nosocomial exposure and subsequent development of debilitating infections (Bello, et al., 2011).
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