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Assessment 1
Task-1: Assessment 1 requires you to commence the manuscript by including the introductory, background/ literature review and data source/search strategy sections of the article. The abstract, discussion, implications, conclusion sections will form Assessment 2). Include the article title with both Assessment 1 and Assessment 2.
The journal you choose may have different subheadings/section headings suggested.
If you would like clarification regarding the use of particular subheadings/section headings from the author guidelines across Assessment 1 and Assessment 2, contact the subject coordinator by the end of Week 3.
Submission of Assessment 1 must include a printout of the author guidelines from your chosen journal as an appendix. For example, the Journal of Advanced Nursing accepts discussion papers. The author guidelines can be found: 2648/homepage/discussion_paper.htm
If you require assistance in identifying author guidelines for submission, contact your librarian.
Assessment 2
Task-2: Assessment 2 requires you to complete the manuscript submission commenced in assessment 1 therefore you should include the abstract, (main body of the manuscript) discussion, implications, conclusion sections of the article. In writing your assessment you need to:
1. Provide a justified argument to set up the discussion
2. Critically discuss ideas that lead on from the literature review and other elements in in assessment 1
3. Remain focused on the topic selected (as per the title of the manuscript and information presented in Assessment 1)
The speciality of mental health nursing is a challenging speciality, as mental health nurses have to ensure physical and psychosomatic health of the affected patients. The systematic review clearly indicated the beneficial effects of person-centric care on the mental health of patients. Studies endorsed the need for education and knowledge regarding person-centric care in nurses engaged in mental health nursing. Patient-centric care should be extended in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team and patients. Spending time with patients and extending person-centric care decreases the time to recovery from mental health problems. Key features of person-centric care include patient-centric education related to coping and planning clinical interventions. Tidal Model voices for effective empowerment of patients affected with serious mental conditions. Person-centric should be extended in a culturally competent manner. Patient-centric interventions are effective in reducing anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders and panic disorders. Person-centric nursing helps to evaluate the causes of trauma and for introducing effective intervention. Relationship quality between staff nurses and patients are important strategies for ensuring patient-centric care. Patient-centric care should be administered as a holistic and family-based manner for maximizing patient outcomes. Nurses practising in the field of mental health should develop an empathetic and caring attitude for their patients. Patients suffering from mental health problems are sensitive. Hence, mental health nurses should be careful or cautious while interacting with such individuals. The most important implication of person-centric care is to develop coping strategies within a patient. Coping helps to gain self-control over one's clinical condition which increases compliance with therapeutic interventions.
Mental health nursing is a challenging speciality as mental health nurses are responsible for enhancing the physical and psychosomatic health of the affected patients. Mental health nurses must develop competence and challenge while serving patients affected by psychiatric problems. The endpoints for the present review were based upon the psychological parameters associated with person-centric care. A systematic literature search was done on various articles, which were published between 2001 and 2016. The literature search included different articles which were related to person-centric care in the field of mental health nursing. The articles which were selected evaluated the mental care interventions which were based upon person-centric approaches. All the searched articles were published in English and had a high impact factor. There were various inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selected articles. The articles were appraised through a CASP analysis. A Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) Tool is a popular instrument used in systematic or narrative reviews. The CASP tool systematically appraised each article before they were included for data analysis or selected for discussion.
The endpoints of the selected articles complied with the different inclusion and exclusion criteria selected for the present study. Moreover the endpoints for the article 'impact of person-centric approach in mental health nursing' were adequately covered. The selected articles communicated a specific implication of implementing a person-centric approach in mental health nursing. Thus the studies implicated whether patient-centric approaches were beneficial, neutral or detrimental to patients, suffering from mental health issues. Results were interpreted based on relevant hypothesis testing and exploring the statistical tests of inference.
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