HIV Misconceptions Leading To Delayed Diagnosis For Some Women - Expert Assignment Help
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HIV Misconceptions Leading To Delayed Diagnosis For Some Women - Expert Assignment Help


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Assessment 1 Task Media Watch 

Choose one story that has been in the media (online or newspaper) that has occurred within  the past 4 weeks which relates to Health, Illness and Wellbeing. 

Section A: 

  1. Find a news story from a reliable source that has occurred within the past 4 weeks  which relates to Health, Illness and Wellbeing.  
  2. State the story title and provide the URL or a screen shot of the story (including the  publication source name and date of publication (not the date you viewed it) e.g. Story  Title : 'Quinoa –the new protein' in 'The Australian' Newspaper: 8 February 2017 
  3. Explain the health implications of the story for those who it affects ( Word Limit 50  words) 

Section B 

Why is this newsworthy/currently topical? E.g. is it a medical breakthrough, research, current  topic of interest in society? (Word Limit 100 words). Post your news story and your  discussion to the Media Watch Discussion Forum in the Assessment 1 Submission area on  Study Desk.  

Section C 

Comment on one story (different to your own) posted by another student and comment as to  if the individuals/groups of people referred to in the article were in control of their own health  journey? (Word Limit 100 words)


Section A

1. The story is based on the 28-year-old girl named Abby Linda and describes how the misconception of HIV leads to a delayed diagnosis in some women.

2. Story Title: “HIV misconceptions leading to delayed diagnosis for some women, advocacy group says,” in the “Australian” News: on 9 March 2017. 

3. The health implications of the story are huge for women who get infected with HIV. A stereotype is prevalent in the medical community about the contraction of HIV in women, as a result of which they are often left out of various sexual health tests leading to late HIV diagnosis in women (Evans, 2017). 


Section B

The news is worthy as it underpins the consequences of stereotypes or misconceptions persisting not only on the minds of the women but also on the healthcare practitioners’ minds about women getting HIV infected that they don’t even perform tests for it. Under testing, as a result, indicates that infected women with HIV are mostly not diagnosed until the disease’s last stages when significant damage has already occurred to the immune system of the body. Hence, it’s a topic of interest as it has been evidenced that the stereotypes lead to late diagnosis of HIV, as well as, un-addressed and unrecognized experiences of women (Evans, 2017).

Section C

“The Body’s Clever Protein” story is based on the ability of an interferon epsilon protein which is synthesized naturally in the women’s reproductive tract. It clearly demonstrates the effects of the HIV virus in humans with and without the protein. Where healthy human cells infected with HIV without this protein tend to undergo rapid multiplication, the human cells having this interferon epsilon protein made virus entry difficult, or those which penetrated were stopped from going towards their centre. However, if both the protection mechanism failed, this protein tends to make defective versions of the virus on replication, hence, making this story a medical breakthrough of advanced research (Smith, 2017).

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