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Assessment 2 Guided Review of nominated literature (QUALITATIVE)
Please use the questions provided in this guide to review the qualitative journal article (available in the assessment tab on vUWS). When answering each question please explain and justify responses with reference to the current literature. Please see Marking Criteria and Standards on page 13-18.
Background of the study (Total: 10 marks)
- What is the health issue that provides the focus of this study?
- Generally, what have been the results of previous studies of this issue?
- What is the significance of this study?
Overview of research design (Total: 10 marks)
- What was the aim of the research?
- What research design was used?
- Describe the main characteristics of the research design identified.
- How did the research design chosen meet the aim(s) of the study?
Sampling (Total: 15 marks)
- What were the characteristics of the participants in this study?
- What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the sample?
- Why is it important to identify these criteria before recruitment starts?
- What sampling technique was used in this study?
- How was this sample appropriate for meeting the research aim?
Data collection (Total: 20 marks)
- How were the data collected?
- What, specifically, did the researchers do?
- How did data collection fit the aims of this study?
- What might have been some advantages and disadvantages of this method of data collection?
- From your understanding of the weekly readings, what if any, are some alternative methods of data collection that these researchers could have chosen?
Data analysis/results (Total: 20 marks)
- How was the data analysed?
- Why is it important to select applicable methods of data analysis in qualitative research?
- What did the researchers say about the rigour of their analysis?
- What were the study findings?
- Into which other settings can these findings be transferred
Background of the Study
The study effectively focussed on the mitigation of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) exacerbations through patients' self-management approaches. Indeed, the improvement in healthcare outcomes for the COPD patients warrants the self-management of symptomatology in the treated patients. These self-management approaches include the early identification of symptoms, self-medication of steroids and antibiotics, and timely monitoring of the recovery process.
COPD is the preliminary cause of the healthcare burden in the clinical settings. Patients affected with COPD exacerbations usually require readmission after receiving the preliminary treatment. Self-management interventions claim to enhance the healthcare outcomes of the COPD patients and minimize their hospital admission rate. COPD manifestations appear in the form of sputum, intense cough, and chest sensations. The timely recognition of these symptoms by the affected patients facilitates the process of their early treatment. This minimizes the need for physician/nurse interventions in situations where the patients themselves acquire control of their COPD complications.
Results from previous studies confirm the COPD self-management strategy as the viable remedial approach that effectively minimizes the risk of clinical complications, associated co-morbidities, and mortality. Study intervention by (Williams, Hardinge, Ryan, & Farmer, 2014) attempted to explore the experience and understanding of the patients in terms of identifying and managing the COPD exacerbations. The findings of the study advocate the requirement of integrating expert patient knowledge in the healthcare plans with the core objective of effectively evaluating and treating the COPD exacerbations.
Overview of Research Design
The objective of the research intervention was to identify the efficacy of coping/self-management skills, aptitude, knowledge, experience, and understanding of the COPD patients in terms of minimizing the frequency and intensity of their exacerbation episodes.
The research study deployed qualitative and interview-based interventions with the core objective of evaluating patients' experience and insight of controlling their COPD symptoms and associated exacerbations. The auto-recording and subsequent transcription of the interview sessions were undertaken before final analysis. The researchers utilized grounded theory approach for the systematic assessment of study findings.
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