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Write an assignment enables you to imagine and speculate about sustainable future in education and what you like to achieve as a teacher
Background and context
Environmental Sustainability has become one of the key issues of discussion in the global atmosphere. The Australian Curriculum is a premium advocate of environmental sustainability. Already, sustainability has been classified 'as a priority for study' by the Australian government (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, ACARA, n.d.). Sustainability education focuses on the inculcation of just practices in students. The Australian educational system aims at creating a future-oriented educational syllabus that would make students more aware of “environmental, social, cultural and economic systems and their interdependence” (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, ACARA, n.d.). For the accomplishment of this goal, properly monitored behavioural changes should be enabled so that students learn about the environment at a very young age.
The Christ Church School, Perth, has always been a proponent of environmental sustainability and protection. For the last five years, we have established a team within our school circle which monitors the inculcation of environmental sustainability values in students. This program is named the “Love Earth” program as we believe that love is the most powerful of all forces in the world. The program aims to cover the initiation of sustainable development programs in order to convert our school into a standard green school. As our school belongs to the ancient order of Christ Church Claremont, the Principal, Reverend Father Joseph, believes in instilling in the students the love of God through the love of His creatures. Our team’s chosen motto is “Love the Earth as God Loves You”. The school teaches boy students from K-12, and it is a challenge to make such young kids understand the importance of preserving nature. This is done by right indoctrination, right direction and right supervision. The school students have also made a mark in sports; hence this activity too is used as leverage for the inculcation of environmental values.
The school team comprises 20 members, in addition to the ex-officio membership of the reverend priests. Each standard from K-12 has two divisions, A and B; and all class teachers are members of the environmental sustainability team. The inclusion of the class teachers ensures that all programs and activities find easy access to the classrooms. The students are also observed and supervised in a well-organised manner. The school sports teacher, dance teacher and football and cricket coaches have also been added to the team. They are the ones who are responsible for making the team programs more interesting and lively. Finally, the team functions under the guidance of the Vice-Principal, Reverend Father Peter Colley. Father Colley is a visionary and has a natural love for children of all ages. He blends very well with the boys, communicating with them in their own colloquial language. His wide popularity can be expected to be instrumental in the success of this program.
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