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What are the effect of training the students of the College of Nursing on emotional intelligence in increasing the quality of palliative care for patients before the stage of dying?
A. Project Plan
The proposal would require development in a manner to systematically advocate the requirement of undertaking palliative care interventions for the substantial enhancement of healthcare outcomes in the terminally ill patients. The following attributes require incorporation in the proposal for effectively articulating the flow of thoughts related to the palliative care quality in the healthcare settings. The proposal would encompass the following steps in the context of attaining direction and outcomes related to the subject of interest.
- Introduction and Rationale: This section would present a concrete background to the research topic and make the readers understanding the complexities of the palliative care interventions and the requirement of emotional integration of the nurse professionals for effectively remediating the symptomatology of the patients affected with various terminal conditions. The rationale would be supported by the findings of evidence-based research literature for amplifying the magnitude of the proposal requirement and its significance in relation to the palliative care settings.
- Proposal Objective: This section will thoroughly explain the aims and objectives of the recommended proposal and significantly emphasize the requirement of administering training sessions to the qualified nurse professionals with the objective of increasing their emotional intelligence, proficiency and sustainability in the context of enhancing the quality of palliative care and remediation in the healthcare settings.
- Goals and Project Activities: These attributes will signify the step-by-step interventions warranted for improving the emotional intelligence of palliative care nurses with the objective of improving patient care outcomes.
- Barriers: This section will list the potential barriers that could restrain the administration of training sessions for the qualified nurse professionals in the palliative care settings.
- Funding Trajectory: This unit will specify the stakeholders whose participation and funding in the healthcare system will elevate the scope of qualitative enhancement of palliative care interventions for the systematic improvement of the associated outcomes.
Conclusion: This section will summarise the entire proposal attributes and systematically sum-up the findings.
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