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Drug testing at work. Should be placed everywhere in the job force especially in the healthcare field. Drug testing would improve the turn over rate. Pre-employment and random drug testing would have better employees at your place of business.
rug testing is one action an employer can take to determine if employees are using drugs. It can identify evidence of recent use of alcohol, prescription drugs and illicit drugs. Currently, drug testing does not test for impairment or whether a person's behaviour is, or was, impacted by drugs. Drug testing works best when implemented based on clear, written policy that is shared with all employees, along with employee education about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse, supervisor training on the sign and symptoms of alcohol and drug abuse, and an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide help for employees who may have an alcohol or drug problem (reference)
Today there are 20 million people over the age of 12 on illicit drugs. 100 million people over does everyday which the number has tripled in the past 20 years.
Since my job does not do pre-screening drug test which is in the health care field. I saw a number of employees come to work high and end up losing their jobs. Things that could of been avoided if they did drug screening. There was a girl who over dosed in the bathroom, nurses stealing
medication, people coming to work high. Putting the resident at risk and even their self at risk driving into work under the influence.
Research paper on drug testing at work
Drug testing intervention implementation requires a major reform in the employment sector with the objective of minimizing the associated legal and social implications. The jobseekers who experience sustained addiction of the illicit substances like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, phencyclidine and other similar illicit drugs exhibit reduced performance in the workplace. Furthermore, they experience an elevated risk of acquiring a multitude of health-related complications in the community environment. The pattern of illicit drug addiction also elevates the risk of employees in terms of losing their jobs. The risk of accidents and complications in the workplace also increases under the influence of substance addiction in the workplace. The presented research paper subjectively defines the problem statement related to the workplace drug testing while systematically discussing the history and background of illicit drug consumption and the associated implications. The paper also systematically discusses the positive and negative issues along with future implications of the workplace drug testing in the employment sector.
Introduction – Statement of the Problem
Drug testing in the workplace is necessarily required with the objective of creating a substance-free work environment for the employees. The drug testing convention warrants the requirement of undertaking a range of drug tests of the selected workers with the objective of proactively handling the prospective discrepancies that might emanate under the influence of drug addiction by any of the selected employees (Phan, Yoshizuka , Murry , & Perry , 2012). The drug testing protocol advocates the requirement of urine sampling for evaluating the quantity of amphetamines, heroin metabolites (i.e. opiates), phencyclidine, cocaine and marijuana. However, the process of drug testing is barricaded by the magnitude of multiple legal, technical and scientific challenges that evidentially restrain its standardized implementation in the corporate sector. Indeed, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in USA formulated several stringent conventions with the objective of evaluating the adulterated or suspicious urine samples of various candidates who gained eligibility for employment. The presented research paper evidentially focuses on the procedural complications, legal sequel, facilitators, specificities and sensitivities associated with the drug testing procedures and their substantial implementation in the employment sector. The in-length discussion of the background of the drug testing question, positive and negative issues and future implications is undertaken through evidence-based analysis with the objective of exploring the remedial strategies warranted for streamlining the process of urine drug testing across the globe. The research paper evidentially explores and elaborates various drug testing interventions (including urine drug testing, hair analysis, oral fluid/saliva test, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and immunoassay drug testing intervention) while derailing the sensitive issues related to the illicit utilization of the prescription drugs by the people of various age groups and the resultant impact on their psycho-socio-somatic health and operational capacity in the workplace.
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