Critically Reflective Essay
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Critically Reflective Essay


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In this assignment we have to state a theory or a practice as you can see in the student sample i provided Anti – oppressive practice is been critically reflective with examples.. so i suggest you to do employ such theory or practice related to social work profession. You can take anti opressive . 


Social Work in my understanding requires the skills and expertise for the rational and unbiased resolution of the multifaceted requirements of the human population across the globe (Lee, 2017). I believe that environment plays a key role in the upbringing of individuals and their thought processes are derived from the customs and traditions that they follow and implicate in various real-life situations. Families headed by grandparents versus families of nuclear origin inculcate variable perceptions across generations that continue to influence their day-to-day activities. The social workers experience a range of challenges while working with the individuals affected with disorders that exhibit serious biopsychosocial manifestations on the individuals. For example, the patients affected with bulimia nervosa face tremendous difficulty in adjusting with peers and colleagues in the office environment (Bernacchi, 2017). This substantially degrades their morale and increases their risk of experiencing homicidal or suicidal tendencies. Individuals affected with a multitude of psychological stress experience oppression at the workplace that drastically impacts their integrity in real life scenarios. Evidence-based findings reveal the meaningful relationship between social work and public health (Ziperstein, et al., 2015). The enhancement of the psychosocial profile of individuals through social work is the need of today that proves to be the top priority of social workers across many underprivileged and developing nations of the world. Gender equalization, person-centeredness and establishment of an anti-discriminatory environment is highly required for reducing the oppressive episodes experienced by males and females of the weaker sections of the society. The pattern of communalism, gender, race, caste and creed evidentially leads to the oppression of the underprivileged individuals, thereby leading to their sustained marginalization in the community environment.


I believe that the role of a social worker in resisting these unjustified societal activities is of paramount importance and is essentially required with the objective of promoting the establishment of a psychologically healthy society. The atrocities experienced by the underprivileged men at remote locations appear insurmountable in the absence of social activities. I think that planned social measures require systematic undertaking in the context of establishing equality, transparency, accountability, peace, prosperity and development across the globe. However, this establishment is feasible at the cost of reducing the oppressive treatment experienced by impoverished, underprivileged and weaker men across various geographical location. Gender-based contextualization of individuals is radically advocated by the advocates of reflexive modernity (Hicks, 2015). The gender-based segregation of individuals is not a justifiable approach for developing a psychosomatically healthy society. The cultural practices and reforms that advocate gender-based prejudice must be rejected at length by the common masses. The social activists need to advocate the righteous approaches with the objective of configuring an environment that could promote wellness, transparency and social welfare across the community environment. Considering the example of Australia, the aboriginal men experience evidently experience oppression and health disparities under the influence of biasing and prejudice from the established sections of the society (Durey & Thompson, 2012). This results in the substantial reduction in their progress and development that eventually degrades their psychosomatic health and social rights. I believe that the social worker bears the moral and ethical responsibility of proactively facilitating anti-oppressive practices with the objective of reducing discrimination and maltreatment experienced by the weaker sections of human society across the globe. This essay systematically picturizes my opinion and values related to social work, influence of social reflection on my individual growth, the context of social characteristics that prove valuable for effectively undertaking social work and influence of my awareness level on the practice of social work.

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